Prof Geedoole Inaugurates Agriculture Institute in Togdheer Region


By Goth Mohamed Goth

Somaliland Minister of Agriculture Prof. Farah Elmi Geedoole over the week in a well-attended ceremony inaugurated the Agricultural institute in Burao,Togdheer region.

Dr. Ahmed Haji Hassan Awad the founder and the main funder of the learning institution speaking during the official opening ceremony said, “This agriculture institute is a center of knowledge for science in agriculture for Somaliland students who are willing to pursue a diploma in the field(3 years). Our mandate is to advocate on behalf of agricultural research, disseminate information on agricultural research, promote careers in agricultural research and create international linkages regarding the agriculture.

The Minister of Agriculture Prof. Farah Elmi Geedoole speaking at the function said, “it is increasingly important to understand what is happening in our agricultural sector as well as the way agricultural projects and research is being promoted, funded and managed in our country.

“Since the current government came to power efforts have being made to revive a declining agricultural sector and with the initiation and implementation of several projects such as the two irrigation canals stretching 1.5KM built at the cost of $500,000 meant to be an incentive to farmers and farming communities in the country”, he said.

The Minster of Presidential Affairs Hon Hersi Ali Haji Hassan speaking at the venue said, “We laud your efforts meant to educated the youth of this nation on the benefits of agriculture and your mission which is to promote and educate the local populace on the benefits of a viable food system, to educate the public about the benefits of buying fresh and locally grown food, and to bring farmers and communities together, Somaliland government is are ready to support you in your endeavors.

Prof. Farah Elmi Geedoole, Somaliland Minister of Agriculture was awarded a certificate of Appreciation by Dr. Ahmed Haji Hassan Awad for his s unrelenting efforts in encouragement of Somaliland farmers to become self-reliance and food independent country.

Among the notable dignitaries present at the function were the Minister of Defense Ahmed Haji Ali Cadami , Minister of Education Hon ZamZam Aden Abdi, Minister of Public Works and Housing Hon Abdirizaq Khalif Ahmed ,Minister of State for Finance Hon Osman Sahardid Adaani, Governor of Sanaag Region Hon Mahmoud Saleban Ali aka Ramaah to mention but a few.


SL Apprehend Clandestine Military Gear in Transit

By Goth Mohamed Goth

Berbera-Somaliland Coastal Guards units have placed under arrest and confiscated cargo ship carrying an assortment of military hardware and it’s currently docked in the port of Berbera.

Somaliland Minister of Interior Hon Mohamed Ali Warancade speaking to reporters today in Berbera said, “The coastal guards officer on a routine inspection discovered the military hardware on board the cargo ship which had earlier in the day docked at the port to unload cargo belonging to local traders.

“The cargo ship crew had not informed local authorities of the nature of their cargo neither did they produce proper documentation ascertaining the destination of the deadly cargo this prompted us to place the vessel and cargo under arrest”, he stated.

The Interior Minister added, “The consignment of military hardware on board didn’t appear in the ship’s cargo manifest this raised suspicion on our part hence the decision to hold the ship so as to investigate and to make sure the ownership and destination of the cargo onboard.

The Captain and ship crews have made contradicting statements regarding the origins of the military hardware, although some say the cargo was uploaded in Port Sudan, Sudan and was destined for Dubai,

The Interior Minister elaborating on the nature of the cargo on board the confiscated ship said, “The military hardware on board the cargo ship included armored personnel carriers (APC), hundred artillery pieces, and armored military vehicles, VIP bullet prove vehicles, heavy duty vehicles carrying concealed cargo, amphibious attack vessels just to name a few.



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