Boycotting ID Cards is denying SL Statehood


The flurry of words of accusations, allegations and resolutions vis-à-vis their counters as concerns the registrations of persons and that of the electorate are generating more than their worth, confusing the members of the public even more. The simple question and fact of having a free and fair election is, first and foremost, to have the basic pre-requisite and indispensible national personal identification card. There is no way that an election can take place without the national IDs and becomes a free and fair one. It is this basic requirements that is used (have to be used) to acquire the right to vote. Thus, the electorate has to identify themselves at specified polling points to register themselves as potential voters. To  vote without IDs or to  register  as voters without  national ID cards is outright rigging of elections. We take to emphasize this repetitively to make it clear that what the opposition parties’ demand is indeed, directly without further substantiation,  an  act  of undermining  the electioneering process. So far, we have not seen or heard any real articulate reason that the  opposition leaders  have brought forth that would support their misguided campaigns of mobilizing for public  boycott of the  registration. We are of course confounded by their demand of foregoing national IDs for direct (only) election registration! Are they not whipping up support  for  rigging?  Why  are they refusing national IDs?  Do they want to import voters? By denying the populace to have their personal indices registered is to deny the essence of nationhood, statehood or our whole essence of Somaliland. The funny thing is that even before the law on the issue is enacted, we see these misguided sentiments. The fact is that the one being formulated as per international norm provided for issuance of IDs before voter registration. The one in the lawmakers’  oven right now being baked specifies for the registration of the national ID’s within six months from commencement. Another thing is that we still are waiting for the establishment of the new NEC committee and the date of election which they then have to slate. Even before all these are done and declared do we see innuendoes that are not apt to the populace consumption. Going about the public places and sampling street political comments reveal  a lot of confusion whereby people argue about what seem results of serious misrepresentations. The beating up of tribal drumbeats will surely not pay. If there are any bones of contentions then they should be ironed out through right channels. Playing tribal cards is non-starter. National ID cards are not to be confused by voter IDs. They are quite separate and it is a state’s undertaking. They are not political tramp cards and MUST not be made to be so. We should  not be  fooled by uncommonsensical whims which are not logical in the remotest senses. By refusing the ID cards the perpetrators of the campaigns are denying us our statehood. As for the time factor of, again their misguided phobia then let them be specified in the laws and regulations  of the land. Could the Military Plane Debris washed ashore Eel Shiek be US Navy Crashed CH-53E Super Stallion chopper? By Goth Mohamed Goth The  Head  of  Somaliland  coast guards Admiral Ahmed Aw  Osman has revealed that units of the coast guards  have  recovered  debris  of what resembles a crashed airplane which washed ashore in  a  beach near Ceel Sheik 50KM west of the port city of Berbera. The head  of the  Somaliland coast guards corps briefing THT reporter on the debris which washed ashore had this to say, “We have recovered what we believe was the tail section most probably the tail rudder and  meters long  range  discardablefuel tanks which we think may be those of a crashed plane”. The  Commander  explained  the debris was also similar to many parts and  gadgets  of  military plane e.g missiles  and  they  have  already called  in  experts  to  discern  the make, model and /or exact origins. “I would like to urge the local population not to temper with any debris which  they may  come  across  because some may be lethal or in other words may explode but a t the moment I  would like  to state that the entire recovered debris crushed airplane  is  secure  and  now  being guarded  by  Somaliland  coast guard”, Admiral Ahmed. According to media the THT monitor from the Associated Press published on the 1st of September, 2014 US Navy Marine Corps helicopter with 25 aboard crashed in this same vicinity  of the Gulf of Aden, on the same day. The  CH-53E  Super  Stallion  helicopter had crashed as it attempted to land on the ship, which has a big landing deck on the back. The US Navy at the time said the crash was not the result of hostile activity, but the aircraft was transferring troops back  to  the  ship  from  training  in nearby Djibouti. The 17 Marines and eight Navy sailors  were  recovered  and  are  on board  the  USS  Mesa  Verde,  and some who sustained minor injuries were treated on the ship. The  CH-53E  Super  Stallion  helicopter is a rescue and search craft and is believed to have crushed the same day the American planes killed the  top  commander  of  the  AlShabaab Leader Ahmed Godane. Djibouti currently hosts the biggest US. Military base in Africa at Camp Lemonier. WASHINGTON — The Navy says a Marine  Corps  helicopter  with  25 aboard  has crashed in the  Gulf of Aden, but all aboard have been rescued.  The 17 Marines and eight Navy sailors  were  recovered  and  are  on board  the  USS  Mesa  Verde,  and some who sustained minor injuries were treated on the ship. The  CH-53E  Super  Stallion  helicopter  crashed  Monday  as  it  attempted to land on the ship, which has a big landing deck on the back. The Navy said the crash was not the result of hostile activity, but the aircraft was transferring troops back to the  ship  from  training  in  nearby

Djibouti. Djibouti boosted security since the al-Qaeda-linked militants group alShabaab claimed responsibility for a  suicide  bombing  at  a  restaurant in the Horn of Africa nation in May. A

Turkish national  and several other foreigners were injured in the attack, which was the first  suicide  bombing in the country’s history. In June, the US issued a travel warning to American citizens because of

“potential terrorist threats.” The British government also advised that alShabaab plans to carry out further attacks in  Djibouti and may  target Western  interests, reported Bloomberg. As The  Christian Science  Monitor has reported in 2006, “In 2002, more than 1,500 US troops were sent to this  former  French  colony  in East Africa to hunt followers of Al Qaeda throughout the region. Now, under General  Ghormley,  their  mission has evolved to preempt the broader growth of Islamic militancy  among

the  area’s largely Muslim  population. “We are trying to dry up the recruiting  pool for Al Qaeda  by showing people the way ahead. We are doing this one village, one person at a time,” says Ghormley, commander of  the  joint  task  force  based  in Djibouti. “We’re  waging peace just

as hard as we can.” Previously East Africa has hosted an array of Islamic militant groups. In 1998, Al  Qaeda  bombed  the  US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing more than 220 people. The group has also tried to shoot down an  Israeli  airliner  in  Mombasa, Kenya, and sink oil tankers and US navy vessels in the Red Sea.


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