Minister of Justice concludes Inspection of Prisons Country wide


By Goth Mohamed Goth

Erigavo-The Minister of Justice of JSL, Mr. Yoonis Ahmed Yoonis, conducted a fact-finding inspection of a prisons in the Sanaag region.

This inspection is part of a broader initiative to assess and improve living conditions in the country’s prisons, with a particular focus on the fundamental rights of prisoners, hygiene standards, the basic needs of inmates, and the general challenges faced by correctional facilities.

During the inspection, the Minister was accompanied by the Governor of the Sanaag Region and the Mayor of Eirigavo District. The delegation was received by the Commander of the Custodial Corps in the Sanaag Region.

The Commander provided the Minister and his delegation with a comprehensive report on the prison and expressed great satisfaction with the Minister’s visit. Minister Yoonis Ahmed Yoonis personally inspected each cell, engaging directly with inmates to better understand their conditions.

In his remarks, the Minister thanked the prison staff and the Custodial Corps for their commendable treatment of inmates. He also pledged that the government would work diligently to improve prison conditions and support the Custodial Corps, emphasizing their commitment to addressing the challenges faced by correctional facilities.

The Minister had previously inspected prisons in Maroodi Jeh, Sahil, and Togdheer regions.