An Open Letter sent to the President-elect H.E. Abdirahman by Somaliland’s Disabled People


Academician Jama Ibrahim Awad, who was the former chairman of Somaliland National Disability Federation (SNDF) and at the moment is disability rights activist and a member of Waddani Political Party, has called on the new President of Somaliland, Dr.Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi (Abdirahman-Irro) to implement the articles that caused people with disabilities to vote for the WADANI Party, which were part of the campaign program of the WADANI Party that we also conducted on our side as a disabled persons, and you, as a candidate, promised in many public places.

An open letter issued by Jama Ibrahim Awad today, a copy of which was delivered to the office of #Hayaannews, sent a message to the sixth president of Somaliland, Abdirahman-Irro, calling on him to implement it These articles are of interest to the disabled for today and for tomorrow. which are as follows;

Article 1:

A). The President is advised to appoint Either the Minister or Director General of the Ministry of Employment, Social and Women (MESAF) of Somaliland to be educated and experienced gentleman with disability who can implement the “draft law for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities,” said Jama Awad.
He pointed out that the law stipulates that we have to establish a special body called the National Disability Commission. This organization will be responsible for all issues related to disabled people.

He also said that the committee will consist of representatives of all the different types of people with disabilities as defined by the draft law for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities.

Article 2

B). That the President appoints someone with great knowledge and experience to be the President’s Adviser on Disability Affairs. This position is currently vacant, after the recent death of the person with disabilities who held that position.

Finally, he congratulated the president for winning to be the president of Somaliland for the upcoming five years and I hope that Allah will make your job easier.