President holds crucial security meeting with combined forces top brass


He underscores the need for tranquility and urges traditional leaders and clergy to lead in fostering it

By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the National Armed Forces H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi on Tuesday held a crucial meeting with the top brass of all arms of the security apparatus at the Defense headquarters.

He was received by the Chief of Defense Major General Nouh Ismael Tani and was greeted by a guard of honour at the venue before being ushered to a closed door security meeting.

The meeting comes at the eve of the general elections whereby the presidential and political parties’ elections is scheduled to be held on Wednesday next week, the 13th of November 2024.

The chief operations commanders of both the military and the national police forces  Brigadier General Abdi Abdilahi Hassan (Abdi-Dhere), who happens to be the defense spokesman, and Brigadier Ibrahim Abdi Haji Mohamud briefed the meeting and updated them on how far they have been in preparations in readiness for elections apart from their normal duties in maintaining and safeguarding peaceful security and also in defense of the nation.

They pointed out that every need of the security needed in every spot and location where the electioneering processes are underway has been fully catered for, including round the clock safekeeping and safeguarding of the elections materials and associated appliances.


The Head of State on his part hailed and acknowledged the efficient manner the security forces went about their duties and thanked them for their diligence.

He made it clear to the commanders that they had to work very closely and well with the NEC which is the administrative arm in charge of the electioneering processes hence direct all the issues, matters and needs that pertains to the elections.

He once again said that the elections is an exercise that should bring people together in the process of charting their policies and developmental progress but should not be one that should polarize them.

He appealed to the traditional leaders of the country and members of the clergy to take the opportunity in fostering tranquility, unity and peaceful solidarity since the populaces usually heeded to them.

He underscored the immense task undertaken by the security forces in safeguarding tranquility and noted the cumbersome task ahead of them that needed all the nation to work together in concerted efforts and make it a success.

On their part, the Chief of Police, Major General Mohamed Aden Saqadi and the Chief Millitary commander Major General Nouh Ismail Tani affirmed the briefs of their commanders and noted that all needs incumbent upon their departments have been put in place and are on the stand-by.

They all exuded confidence that their preparations and associated chores geared towards their expected services and duty to the nation were up to date.