NEC, Information Ministry and Media organizations sign Code of Conduct


As they set up watchdog committee to monitor press reporting during elections

By M.A. Egge

National Elections Commission (NEC), Ministry of Information and journalists associations signed a Code of Conduct for the Press at the headquarters of the National Electoral Commission in charting ethical standards as they report on the electioneering processes.

In essence they set up a watchdog committee to monitor the adherence of ethical reporting during the elections’ season.

The forum that brought the three-prong arms was graced by the Minister of Information, Culture and National Guidance Hon.Ali Mohamed Hassan flanked by his DG Mr. Mustafa Abdi  Issa, (Marekhan), the Director General of the Ministry of Information Mustafe Abdi Isse Chairman of the National Electoral Commission (NEC)and the officials of Solja and Wija organizations.

The NEC chair said that as a commission, they welcome the Code of Conduct and upholding positive tenets in press behavior during the elections period.

He revealed that the press conduct would be monitored by 7 members drawn from the institutions viz; 2 members from the Electoral Commission, 2 members appointed by the Ministry of Information, 2 members appointed by SOLJA and as well as one Member nominated by the Wija Association.

The minister noted that the general purpose of the Code of Conduct and setting up of the monitoring watchdog was to protect the ethics of the media so that the elections happen fairly, freely and legally and with responsibility.