Hilaac political organization comes out in style in Borama and Berbera, campaigning for votes


By M.A. Egge

Somaliland’s election campaign has entered its 7th day the Hilaac (Lightning) political organization held its rallies on the first day across the country but mainly focuses in the towns of Borama and Berbera.

The supporters expressed their happiness as the Hilaac political organization presented its plans for the future and the reasons behind its establishment.

In several arenas and public meeting places supporters were seen converging in large numbers as the chanted their political slogans with shouts of may we win’ ranting at the air as the listened to speakers after speakers selling their policies to voters.

Of note was the party leader Ahmed Ismael Samatar who addressed a large gathering of hundreds of supporters in Borama, urging them to vote as a block.

He revealed that he has for long been sore and exasperated that his community was subjected to tyranny of the numbers hence urged them to vote as a block such that they may be reckoned with by voting in the such that it may be an official political party.

He said that ‘the time of begging and soliciting for alms is over’ and that the people ought to stand up to be seen by being triumphant.

He said that despite the fact that the nation has made major strides for the past three decades, the hurdles of the political cross-roads that the country is presently at can be overcome by having Awdal being at the fore-front.

He said, “Political groupings mean that you have a base from which you can take off from such that you may concretely be in the country’s politics, and make sound decisions on the economy, education, health, and the power structure within the country.”

He said it was to this connection that he formed the organization in anticipation of making the region politically formidable.

He pointed out that the elections should be able to turn a new page for the Awdal residents hence they ought to turn out in large numbers and control their own fate.

The campaigns saw numerous similar meetings held in various districts and urban centers.

The elections scheduled to be held on 13th November 2024 are for both the presidential and political party organizations.

The Constitution requires that the top three political organizations become the official political parties in the nation for a period of three years.

The currently existing three official political parties viz, KULMIYE, WADDANI and UCID are being challenged by seven other political organizations, with Hilaac trying its hand in it.

Both elections are to be held simultaneously on the same day.