Electoral Ethics Commission urged National Parties & Political Organizations to uphold the Code of conduct and Campaign Schedule


The Somaliland Ethics, Dispute Resolution, and Election Monitoring Committee has warned all national political parties and organizations to adhere strictly to the electoral code of conduct and the campaign schedule released by the National Electoral Commission.

This announcement, made by the Chairman of the Ethics Committee, Adan Hussein Muhumed, highlights the critical importance of maintaining order, fairness, and legality during the election period.

In a statement distributed to various political entities, Chairman Muhumed urged parties and organizations to respect the country’s religious and legal framework, cautioning them against any actions that go against Islamic principles, the nation’s laws, or established good practices.


“We inform all political parties, organizations, and the public to avoid anything that Islam, good practices, and the country’s laws prohibit,” Muhumed said in the statement. The reminder comes at a crucial time, as the election campaign season intensifies.

Key Points in the Statement:

  1. We inform all political parties/organizations and the public to avoid anything Islam religion, good practices, and the country’s laws prohibited.
  2. To implement the decrees issued by the President and the Minister of Internal Affairs
  3. That political parties and organizations stick to the designated time of the election campaign calendar
  4. To avoid tribalism and alienation of the community and the hatred that the parties/organizations and their supporters use.
  5. People prohibited by the rules warned not to get involved in politics, such as government employees, and the military, or using government vehicles.

National Electoral Commission’s Campaign Regulations

In addition to the code of conduct, the National Electoral Commission has outlined a strict campaign schedule to be observed by all political parties:

  • Campaign Preparation: Parties may prepare for campaigns between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM the night before the campaign begins. However, using loudspeakers outside the offices is not permitted during these hours.
  • Campaign Hours: Campaigning is only allowed from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day. Any party violating this schedule will face penalties.
  • Designated Campaign Days: Parties are expected to observe the designated campaign days as specified by the Election Commission. Any deviation from this will result in disciplinary actions.
  • Criminal Activity: Acts of vandalism, such as defacing party offices or tearing down campaign posters, will be met with strict legal consequences. The security forces have been authorized to handle any such incidents.
  • Prohibition on Mixing Party Symbols: The use of mixed symbols, offices, or vehicles among different political parties is strictly forbidden to avoid confusion and maintain electoral integrity.

The Ethics Committee’s call to action underscores the need for all political parties and their supporters to engage in peaceful, respectful campaigns that prioritize the well-being of the nation. Any failure to comply with these regulations could result in disciplinary actions, as the committee remains committed to ensuring a free and fair electoral process.

As the campaign period progresses, the Committee’s directive serves as a timely reminder for political actors to uphold democratic principles, foster unity, and avoid actions that could undermine the credibility of the election.

With elections on the horizon, the Ethics Committee’s emphasis on respecting the code of conduct and the campaign schedule is a critical step toward ensuring a peaceful and transparent electoral process. Political parties are urged to take this guidance seriously as the country prepares for what is expected to be a closely contested election

As the campaign period progresses, the Committee’s directive serves as a timely reminder for political actors to uphold democratic principles, foster unity, and avoid actions that could undermine the credibility of the election.
