Local government chiefs confer on disaster management in Borama


By M.A. Egge

The mayors of Boorama, Hargeisa, Berbera, Gabilay, Zeyla, Salahlay, Balligubadle, Baki and Lug-haya held a meeting to discuss issues pertaining to natural disasters and ways of combating them.

The two day meeting is being held in Borame, Awdal region.

The conference is an annual one usually organized by the local government authorities association, HAL-KASAL in association with the help of the international organization VNG as a partner which also ponders on the issues of local government development in the country.

The mayor of Boorama, and the governor of Awdal region, expounded in their speeches the importance of the meeting as they welcomed the mayors to the town.

“It is a great joy for us as a region that today the disaster management conference is held in the capital of Awdal region. I very much welcome you to discuss issues related to natural disasters”, said the mayor.

The director of Hal-Kasal Khalid Abdirahman explained the purpose of the meeting and said, “We have held a disaster management meeting for the project that we are in charge of Dan-Hadaag, which works in five districts, and we are supported by the VNG Organization and the local government association of Holland, whose representative is here with us, we will continue this meeting for two days”.

The representative of the VNG organization, on his part said, “Disasters are something that always exists and need to be managed, raise awareness in the community and inform the districts where we have worked. I hope that a lot has changed with the impact of these efforts. We are always ready to work closely with the districts of the country”.