Why is BBC Somali Repetitively disseminating Stale News which Happened two months ago?


Guled. A. Mahir

BBC Somali Service aired news about Somaliland Aiports Authority about one and half months ago. unfortunately, the said news organization has for the past fortnight repeatedly propagated the same stale news to tarnish Somaliland’s reputation.
The BBC Somali Service posted on its Facebook page on 26th March 2024 at about 6:45 pm. This stale news was first published on 14th February 2024 for Somalia’s federal government.
News aired by BBC Somali about two months ago has continued being uploaded on its social media handles to spread anti-Somaliland propaganda.
Needless to say, BBC media services are unaware of their Somali Service lack of impartiality and have continuously spewed hatred and libelous news about Somaliland and its people.
