The Republic of Somaliland Position on Somalia’s Claims Regarding the Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU


the Government of the Republic of Somaliland categorically rejects Somalia’s recent remarks regarding the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Somaliland and Ethiopia. The Memorandum of Understanding, centred on collaboration in areas of shared interest such as security, trade, and infrastructure development, is a sovereign decision made by two independent nations and does not require third-party approval.

The understanding between Somaliland and Ethiopia is rooted in mutual respect and a joint aspiration for regional stability. Somalia’s unilateral declaration of the MoU as unlawful blatantly breaches international law and exhibits its ongoing disregard for the self-determination of Somaliland’s people.

The MoU upholds the territorial integrity of all nations involved and fosters peaceful cohabitation and regional collaboration. We call on Somalia to relinquish its obsolete assertions and honor the desires and future prospects of millions of Somalilanders.

The Republic of Somaliland is an independent, self-governing sovereign nation, with its own constitution, duly ratified by its citizens in 2001. Under that constitution, it has held multiple democratic elections where the people exercised their constitutional rights to elect their representatives, at every level of government.

The duly elected government under the law, has the full authority to enter into any agreement or treaties with any other willing state or entity, pending final ratification by the people’s representatives.

Somaliland has NEVER been a signatory of the documents referenced in Somalia’s press release. Any and all such claims contained in it, are hitherto, duplicitous.

Lastly, the Government of the Republic of Somaliland reaffirms its dedication to peacefully pursuing independence and seeking international recognition. We maintain that cooperation and dialogue are indispensable for attaining enduring peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.