Army refutes false allegations by felonious army private shared to social media


Somaliland armed forces headquarters has refuted claims by an army private who shared on his social media accounts about his arrest.

The soldier alleges his incarceration was without merit since he did not commit any crime.

Army private Abdishakur Khadar was seen on his social media handle claiming that he had been arrested for no reason.

A spokesman for the army Khadar Jama Mohamed revealed that the suspect was in custody following a hit and run accident.

He said the private was arrested for running over a child with his personal vehicle.

The armed forces headquarters refuted his claim that he was arrested for no reason.

The army spokesman went on to say that the army private was arrested following an accident he was involved in.

He had run over a child in the city.

He noted that the incident was reported to them by the commanding officer on duty during the fateful night of the accident Colonel Abdi Warsame, hence he was thus incarcerated after confirmation that he was an army private attached to the 10th battalion. .

The army spokesperson stated that no one was above the law, hence the culprit will be held responsible.

He added that justice ought to be served. He pointed out that the victim of the accident has been hospitalized and is undergoing treatment.