Ministry of Finance Honored Top 2023 Tax Payers


The Ministry of Finance of the R. of Somaliland has Honored 37 members who appeared in the list of good tax payers in 2023.
Somaliland’s Ministry of Finance has honored 37 members from the various sectors and levels of the country’s tax payers, who have been recognized as the best tax payers in the year 2023.
In a highly organized event held in Hargeisa, the members of the list of the best taxpayers of 2023 were invited, and it is the 4th time that has been held, aiming to honor and encourage the taxpayer who has fully fulfilled his/her duty to pay taxes, and it is a role model for the future winner.
Director General of the Ministry of Finance Mr. Mohamed Hussein Osman, who spoke at the beginning of the event, said, “We have held this event to thank you for the way you have paid your taxes, not only to the members who are being rewarded here tonight, but we also thank in general for all Somaliland’s tax-payers, in particular we honor those who are at the top of the list who have applied or fully followed the guidelines of the Revenue Act and the Inland Revenue Tax Policy”.
The opening speech was given by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance Mr. Sulaiman Jama Dirie and he said “The best taxpayers can not only be the ones who are taxed the most, but you are the best in terms of compliance and application of the Domestic Revenue Act such as; paying on time and not delayed and other criterion” after that he awarded appreciation certificates to the won members.

The selection of the list of the best taxpayers is based on the criteria and standards set by the Inland-Revenue Department, which are based on the Country’s Finance Acts, which are the Domestic-Revenue Act Law No. 72/2016, Financial Management Act, Act No. 75/2016, Customs Law No. 73/2016 and their Regulations, and each region is assigned its own number.
Finally, it is worth noting that the winners are selected from these three categories:
Individual and non-individual taxpayers (Profit taxpayers):
 Criteria 1: Taxpayers paid profit income tax voluntary.
 Criteria 2: Taxpayers paid Employment income tax voluntary.
 Criteria 3: Taxpayers paid earlier time in voluntary period.
 Criteria 4: Taxpayers paid GST (if applicable)
 Criteria 5: Taxpayers submitted all required documents in accurately and reliable by the law:
a. Income Statement
b. Business records
c. Payroll list
d. Signed Payroll sheet
e. contracts
 Criteria 6: Taxpayers should have valid if obliged license.
Non-governmental organizations (Non-Profit taxpayers—Local / Foreign):
 Criteria 1: Taxpayers paid Employment income tax voluntary ( Jan-Sept 2021)
 Criteria 2: Number returns filed through taxpayer portal.
Government organizations (Ministries, Departments, Agencies, and Municipalities:
 Criteria 1: Taxpayers paid Employment income tax voluntary.
 Criteria 2: total tax from projects outside government budget (external aid) – staff incentive, contracts, withholding taxes.