Somaliland has come a long way for the past 33 years, says Minister of Information


The Minister of Information, Culture and National Guidance Hon. Suleiman Ali Koore stated the different stages Somaliland metamorphosed during her 33 years of existence. Minister Suleiman stated that all these years he has been in the country and can attest on all challenges the country has overcome.

Information minister recalled the changes the government of Somaliland has undergone in the duration of its establishment. He was speaking during the opening ceremony of Hargeisa Library. The minister of narrated the history of Somaliland National Army establishment and all the obstacles that had been passed.

He also revealed that he had been instrumental in the development and government creation of Somaliland as an independent state. The minister confirmed that most of the people he had worked with all those years are not alive today.

Addressing protection of Somaliland sovereignty by the army he said “Somaliland army has been mandated to protect the country borders from infringement and incursions. All these years the country army has been based in Sool region but there were some instances whereby the army withdrew and later on returned to their positions.”

He said that he was once a soldier and understands well the workings of the military.

He added that sometimes politics sways the population and brings discontent and dissenting voices.

Minister Suleiman said he is a true believer in the country and is a Somalilander by birth.

He urged the populace to stop the culture of clan affiliations and become patriotic citizens of Somaliland.


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