President challenges dons and universities to be formidable think-tanks of progressive policies, as he presides over civil servants graduation in civics


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland H. E. Musa Bihi Abdi challenged the local universities and their dons to establish, and be, formidable think-tanks of credible formulators of policies that address multi-prong national issues that address social, economical and political for progressive development of the nation through policy papers and debates.

The Head of State also praised the Ministry of Coordination of National Assemblies and Constitutional Affairs for being at the forefront of disseminating civic knowledge in the country and especially in raising the awareness of the youth working for the government in terms of the constitution and patriotism.

He made the sentiments as he addressed a mass graduation of four thousand students drawn from employees of the public service sector who undertook a civic course focusing on constitution and patriotism at Hargeisa University on Monday.

The President lauded all those who successfully completed the course that has seen 4000 government employees and equipped with constitutional and patriotic knowledge.

This event was held at the University of Hargeisa’s Plenary Hall and was attended along with the president, members of the cabinet, parliamentarians from both houses, heads of independent organizations, and chancellors of universities, directors general, service commanders and thousands of the student civil servants.

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The efforts are indeed a major fete and achievement to the nation.

In essence civics entails the theoretical, political and practical aspects of citizens, as well as its obligatory rights and duties. It includes the study of civil law, codes and regulations and associated patriotism.

Initially the Director General of the ministry of national Assemblies Relations and Constitutional Affairs Ms. Deeqa Abdi Yusuf explained in depth the importance of the ministry for civil servants and other citizens to have a good knowledge of the civics as concerns constitution and the laws of the country.

Heads of universities of Hargeisa and Ammoud Dr. Mohamud Yusuf Musa and Dr. Mohamed Musa respectively, and the former president of Amoud University, Prof. Suleiman Ahmed Guled, who spoke in succession, thanked the officials of the ministry responsibility they took to equipping government employees with the civics knowledge.

Celebrated poet Ahmed Suleiman Bidde described the efforts as a success that the government workers should be trained civics hence make them understand the value and integrity of their country.

Both the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission Mr. Khalid Jama Qodax and the governor of Marodi-jeeh region Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Aalin (Tiimbaro) in their speeches praised the workers who completed the training and urged them to apply the skills they have learned to the jobs they have for the community.

On his part, the Minister of Interior Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed described the fete as a national success that the youth of the nation learn their constitution and patriotism, while briefly explaining the important cardinal points of the constitution.

The Minister of Council Relations and Constitutional Affairs Hon. Mohamed Haji Adan congratulated the young people who underwent the training and explained the prominent role that his ministry took in promoting the constitution, stressing that public servants indeed needed n  benefited from the course.

Finally, President Musa Bihi Abdi led the in the presentation of the certificates to the student civil servants who completed the training.


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