Officials call for diligence and credible vigilance in readiness for national exams


By M.A. Egge

In readiness of the national schools certificate examinations due to star on Saturday 17th of June, the National Examinations Office held a last minute meeting with the concerned line stake-holding authorities and the supervisors of the examinations in detailing the areas they want to focus on.

Chairman of the Office of Examinations Mr. Daoud Ahmed Farah warned that the menace of cheating in exams has to be nipped at the bud and that security should be vigilant against modern devices and gadgets that are not allowed in exam rooms.

He called for all respective officials from the supervisors, invigilators and security personnel to be credibly steadfast, diligent and true to their duties.

Police Major Abdiasis Sh Ismail echoed similar words and called for revamped vigilance.

Deputy Minister of Education Hon. Abdihakin Saeed Bustaale urged for utmost diligence and vigilance such that the exercise may be credible and a success.


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