Somaliland: Attorney General files case against Speaker of the House of Representatives


Goth Mohamed Goth

The Somaliland government filed a case against Abdirisaaq Khalif Ahmed, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, at the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Mr. Abdurrahman Jama Hayaan, Attorney General of the Republic of Somaliland this week submitted to the Constitutional Court, a case filed against the Chairman of the House of Representatives Mr. Abdirisaaq Khalif Ahmed.

The Attorney General of the Republic of Somaliland filed a case against the Chairman of the House of Representatives Mr. Abdirisaaq Khalif Ahmed, for the prosecution of the violation of the Constitution which was dated 01/06/2023, and received by the Supreme Constitutional Court on 04/06/2023.

The Constitutional Court today 06/06/2023 sent a letter to the House of Representatives requesting the deliverance of the Constitutional case Number MS/GD/02/2023 against the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Somaliland sent a copy of the pending case to the Speaker of the House of Representatives filed by the Attorney General, to which it states that he should respond.


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