VP calls for the Speaker to substantiate allegations against the military


By M.A. Egge

The Vice President H.E. Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail (Sayli’i) has accused the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Abdirisaq Khalif Ahmed of heinous crime against the country bordering treason leaning on, siding and supporting an subversive stance taken on the Las Anod issue aligning with Sool traditional leaders who stand for secessionism that is against the government, people and the nation of Somaliland.

The VP stated the fact in an interview with the local media over the week.

We described and elaborate on vast progressive developments that the performance of the Somaliland government has made in Sool region over time, especially in developing social services.

“I believe Abdirisaq Khalif has crossed the line on the issue of Somaliland nationhood hence if it were only for constructive criticism he should have made in the expected realms but not in an aura and scenario draped by Somalia’s blue flags by backing the 33 man committee who opted for secession’’, he charged.

The vice president noted that the speaker of the parliament as expected by virtue of his high office to help in righting the wrongs by putting and setting issues right, and calming the situation, but instead he leveled very serious charges against the defense forces that calls for substantiation.

The VP said, “He has said made very serious charges by alleging that the military forces abducted people from their homes and also taking hostages from public vehicles and killed them…these claims beg for substantiations and must be clarified”.

He said that the Somaliland army has been traditionally a  force with impeccable disciplinary history.

As to the fate of the speaker, the VP quipped that it was an incumbency upon the legislative house to decide.

Regarding for the conflict in Sool, the VP was categorical that it is the progressive democracy and the development of the nation that is under attack hence noted that it was not for the first or second time but the umpteenth.


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