Traditional leaders’ goodwill peace emissaries call on their Sool counterparts for a summit


The traditional and customary leaders of the Republic of Somaliland who bestowed upon themselves the onerous task of volunteering as goodwill peace emissaries delegation to the Sool region has sent a call for peace to their Garaad colleagues, the elders and intellectuals of the Sool region, informing them of their readiness of having a peaceful conference summit.

In a presser held at Oog, the traditional leaders explained that they were waiting for the Sool traditional leaders to acknowledge the need for the meeting and give them the green light of holding it.

They proposed several points that would be the basis for the peaceful setting that they were seeking to stop the battles going on in Las Anod.

Sultan Awil Fatah Shire read the press release which went as follows:

“Today, February 21st of 2023, we are sending a call for ‘peace and a cease-fire’. The damages caused by the war are many deaths and injuries, with many properties being destroyed hence the displacement of our residents in the city of Las Anood.

“As a religious and fraternal duty to us we undertook to try to stop the war, and we continue to do so. Therefore, we are calling for an unconditional ceasefire, on all sides, and the taking of measures to implement the ceasefire, bearing in mind how sacrilegious it is to spill the blood of fellow Muslims.

“We are calling on our brothers and sisters of the Dulbahante community, especially traditional Garaad leaders who are the supreme, elders, intellectuals, clergy, academics, eminent personalities, men and women, and all sections of the community to create an environment suitable for discussion.

“We are the self-appointed volunteer peace emissaries delegation, we are staying put waiting for you enthusiastically convicted and ready to delve upon the matter to a fruitful conclusion hence ask you to look at this issue seriously and accept us as a brotherly delegation.”

Sultan Awil pointed out that the conviction is to fear God, and participate and exerting efforts in putting an end to the conflict in Lasaanod.

The traditional leaders of the delegation are:

Sultan Daud Sultan Mohamed Sultan Abdiqadir, Sultan Hassan Sultan Abdilahi Sultan Abdirahman, Sultan Abdirahman Jama Dawal, Sultan Mohamud Haji Hussein, Sultan Ismail Sultan Abdirahman, Sultan Mohamud Guled Mire, Sultan Said Abdi Jama, Sultan Ahmed Dahir Musa Ili, Sultan Musa Ali Hirsi, Sultan Yusuf Abdi Awed, Sultan Mohamud Ahmed Sheikh, Sultan Adan Hassan Abdullahi, Sultan Adan Sultan Amin, Ugaas Ahmed Iman, Ugaas Mohamud Osman Nur, Sultan Hassan Haddi, Sultan Ayanle Sultan Handule, Ugas Ahmed Abdi Said, Ugas Mohamed Nuh Igal, Sultan Abdikarin Sahardiid Kahin, Sultan Abdirahman Mohamud Awale, Sultan Awil Fatah Shire.



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