KULMIYE Top Officals Tour District Party Offices in Hargeisa


The ruling party Kulmiye has held an inspectorate tour of its district offices in Hargeisa.

According to reports Kulmiye leaders from the regional and district levels participated in the tour.

Kulmiye Party officials were led by Kulmiye 2nd vice chairman Mr. Ahmed Abdi Hussein (Abdi-Deere). On the last leg of their visit they toured the party offices in Mohamed Moge, Ma’alin Harun and Ga’an Libah districts of Hargeisa.

Ruling party national officials were welcomed at these offices by their district officials and supporters of Kulmiye.

Kulmiye Party district offices in Hargeisa held events to welcome their party bosses.

Addressing the press at the venues they urged the recently registered voters to ensure they secure their voters cards, and prepare for the upcoming elections.

Ruling party national officials urged districts offices in Hargeisa to continue with the mobilisation exercises of party supporters and voters.

The past days has seen Kulmiye national officials inspect districts party offices in Hargeisa environs.

They had visited 26th June, Ibrahim Kodbuur, Ga’mo-deere, 31st May, Ahmed Dagah and Mohamud Haybe districts of Marodijeh region.


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