Somaliland has shown support for Taiwan, amid China’s pressure


THT- The conflict between China and Taiwan is getting more difficult day by day, the Somaliland government has supported the importance of protecting the security of Taiwan, as published Somaliland Post.
Last week, China was angered by the visit of the speaker of the US House of Representatives to Taiwan, and described it as an interference in China’s territorial sovereignty, as he believes that Taiwan is part of the Chinese mainland.
A day after Nancy Pelosi’s visit, China conducted a military parade in the Taiwan Strait and fired missiles into some parts of the Taiwan Strait.
China’s move has created a difficult situation, and some of the international governments have given their positions, while some, like Somalia, have sided with China.

Somaliland’s Health Minister Hassan Mohamed Ali (Gaafadhi), who was speaking, said that he believes that peace in Taiwan should be respected.
“I strongly believe that peace in Taiwan deserves to be respected,” he said in a post on his Twitter page.

On the other hand, the Government of Taiwan embassy to Hargeisa,  commended his support and said, “Minister, thank you for the support (which came at the right time). Taiwan and Somaliland share the values ​​of peace and democracy, and we all respect the international system based on rules.

Similarly, Mohamed Jama, Chairman of foreign relations, planning and investment committee of House of Representatives of the Republic of Somaliland urged deescalation of the China Taiwan tension and all issues should be solved peaceful. The world should strive for de-escalation in Taiwan Strait.

Health Minister’s response comes after an open letter to rally solidarity for supporting Taiwan by ambassador Allen Lou, called on the international community to rally support for Taiwan to preserve our shared values of freedom and democracy.

Somaliland and Taiwan have good relations, and there are ambassadors in Tiapea and Hargeisa representing the interests of both countries.


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