Cabinet meeting approves national policy on Alms Registry


The Council has appointed a committee to look into the water scarcity matter

THT- The 95th sessional meeting of the cabinet chaired by the President H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, discussed various issues related to the general situation in the country.

First, briefings were made by the Minister of Interior Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed who shared with the Council on the overall National Security situation of the country, Minister of Energy and Minerals briefed the Council on the state of electricity and water development and shared with the council the situation of water scarcity in the country and the need for a united front. In the future. The Council of Ministers has appointed a committee to look into the matter.

May be an image of 7 people, people sitting and people standing

The meeting discussed the draft law on firefighting, where his debate was continued and a committee has been tasked with compiling the views and its recommendations, which will provide a full report at a later meeting.

On the other hand, the council tabled the National Alms Registration Policy, which was after discussion approved by a majority vote of the ministers present at the session.

Finally, a draft law on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities was distributed to the council, which will be pondered further in later sessions.


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