Cabinet Discusses Key Policies for Community Development


 They endorsed the customary draft law that would guide traditional leaders

THT- The 94th Cabinet Sessional meeting of the Republic of Somaliland, chaired by the President of the Republic of Somaliland, H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, discussed various issues related to the situation in the country and the general well-being of the society.

First, the Minister of Finance and Chairman of the National Finance Committee, Hon. Dr. Saad Ali Shire speaking on the occasion, briefed the council on the ongoing meetings of the economic committee to address the economic situation in the country and said that it has taken many steps to reduce inflation and fight drought, hence held numerous meetings with executives of institutions like power supply companies and other companies influencing the essentials of social life.

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The Minister of Religion and Endowment Sheikh Abdirizak Hussein Ali (Albani), also briefed the council on the national policy of the Alms Register, which was distributed to the council today, emphasizing how this policy is key to providing ongoing assistance to the needy, and their needs, and to unite the whole country.

After that, the council engaged in a debate and discussion on the recent draft Customary Law of the Republic of Somaliland which was previously distributed to the council, and was officially approved by the council today.

The Minister of Interior, Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, for his part, explained the content of the law and pointed out that the law is intended to create a common understanding of the honour, respect, and conduct of traditional leaders, and the establishment of the system of the office and the duties, requirements, and structure of the traditional leaders, and their duties in accordance with the Islamic religion.

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, HE Muse Bihi Abdi, after a lengthy debate and discussion, voted in favour of the draft customary law, which was approved by a majority of 33 members, with two abstentions.

By: M. Egge


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