Somalilandsun: Members and supporters of the Somaliland ruling Kulmiye party covered in their thousands to Commemorate the party’s 20th anniversary at their Headquarters in the capital Hargeisa
Pooled from all walks of life and regions of the country the celebrants were in company of all their national party leadership led by its chairperson and Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi and Including his parry deputy cum Interior Minister Mohamed Ahmed Kahin, Somaliland Vice president and party founding member Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail ‘Sayli’, immediate past first lady Amina ‘Weris’ Mohamed Jirde among many other senior political figures in the country.
KULMIYE Political Party, Somaliland’s ruling is celebrating its 20th Anniversary.#Kulmiye20thAnniversary.#KULMIYEWAA20JIR.#Somaliland
— KULMIYE Party (@XISBIGAKULMIYE) May 22, 2022
All were unanimous on timely presidential elections as long as all existing loopholes in the process leading to the polls are reconciled satisfactorily and according to the laid down legal tenets enshrined in the Somaliland Constitution.
“ Xisbiga kulmiye waa Xisbiga ugu da’da weyn ugu hayinsan ugu dulqaadka weyn Somaliland, laba madaxweyne kasoo kasoo baxeen insha allahu madaxweynayaal kalena ay kasoo bixi donaan, kana mid noqon doona xisbiyada ugu da’da weyn qaaradda Africa” Abdiasis Mohamed Samaale
— KULMIYE Party (@XISBIGAKULMIYE) May 22, 2022
Standing out was former first lady and herself a founding member Amina ‘Weris’ who not mincing words said “Political groups are now legal to launch and that her party will as per past 3xperiejces emerge as one of the three fully fledged national political parties of and in the coming hundred years”

According to the Amina Weris , the country’s fourth first lady, “ insinuations that there is a past and new Kulmiye party is false for our parry 8s one and in its oneness continues to grow stronger”
" Waxa la yidhaahdaa Kulmiyihii hore iyo kii dambe. Waxaasi ma jiraan, Kulmiyena waa Mid "
Aamina Maxamuud Jirde
Marwadii hore ee Qaranka JSL#kulmiyeWaa20jir.#Kulmiye20thAnniversary.— KULMIYE Party (@XISBIGAKULMIYE) May 22, 2022
“As the Somaliland ruling Kulmiye party commemorates its 20th anniversary I reminiscent that I was a very youthful burgeoning journalist but today here I am a member of parliament under the party whose founding was my first major political coverage “ said MP Mohamed Hussein Jama ‘Rambo’
Seemingly refereeing to recent sentiments expressed by opposition political leaders in which they urged youths to be ready for confrontations with the ruling party if presidential elections are not held as slated on the 13th November this year, MP Rambo a first time legislator said
“Just wondering who the alleged youths are since we are also youths of Somaliland and members of Kulmiye Party and we are yet to be consulted on the purported political violence”
“ Maalintii Xisbiga la aasaasayey Xisbiga waxa aan ahaa wiil Yar oo Saxafi ah, maanta oo 20 sano kasoo wareegtay waxa aan ahay xildhibaan kasoo baxay Xisbiga KULMIYE” Xildhibaan @MohamedRaambo.
— KULMIYE Party (@XISBIGAKULMIYE) May 22, 2022
“We members and leadership of the Somaliland ruling Kulmiye party do hereby inform citizens that the opening of political groups is a legal fact and they shall be opened. Said the parties deputy leader and Interior Minister Mohamed Ahmed Kahin Adding that ” Competition among many Political grouping is a democratic apt process that facilitates existence of the constitutionally enshrined ‘only three national political parties that are politically mature thus able to protect and nurture the statehood of Somaliland every ten years.
" Umadda reer Somaliland waxaan u sheegaynaa Ururadii Siyaasiga ahaa waa la furayaa. Ururo siyaasi ah oo mudakara oo qaranimada Somaliland ilaalinaya ka doorta ururada furmaya ee tartamaya " Wasiir Maxamed Kaahin Axmed. #Kulmiye20thAnniversary#KulmiyeWaa20jir.
— KULMIYE Party (@XISBIGAKULMIYE) May 22, 2022
“I would like to thank the supporters of Kulmiye Party for their steadfast support that has ensued with three victories in successive one person one vote” said the Somaliland Vice President and founding member of the party Abdirahman Abdillahi Ismail ‘Sayli as he stressed that the nationalism and developmental policies of the party has resulted in prevailing as party occupying the Somaliland presidency for 12 consecutive years and counting @VPsomaliland.
“ Waxa aan u mahad naqayaa bahweynta taageerayaasha Xisbiga kulmiye ee hiilka iyo taagerada la garab taagnaa Xisbiga kulmiye iyo guulihiisii” Madaxweyne ku xigeenka JSL @VPsomaliland.
— KULMIYE Party (@XISBIGAKULMIYE) May 22, 2022
The main speaker and party’s leader cum Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi who upon congratulating members on having reached the milestone of two decades as part and parcel of political leadership both in opposition and ruling, went on to stress on the fact that Somaliland is founded on strong legal and democratic fundamentals as enshrined in the country.
Adding that he will relinquish the party’s leadership thus see to it that Kulmiye has a new and properly elected leader soon, he also said that presidential elections will be held timely so long as the few outstanding legal issues are concluded

Turning to opposition political parties (UCID and Wadani) that are agitated with fears of elections delays president Bihi warned that “any acts that are not legal thus harmful to the being of Somaliland shall ensue with my administration reciprocating as per the law”
"KULMIYE party will soon elect a chairman. I can tell you that KULMIYE will not disagree with this election " President @musebiihi said during the Anniversary ceremony.
#KulmiyeWaa20jir.— KULMIYE Party (@XISBIGAKULMIYE) May 22, 2022
On the eve of the anniversary commemorations the party’s founding father and fourth Somaliland President Mahmud Silanyo shared some insights with top leadership at his residence in Hargeisa .
This come following a visit by President Bihi in company of VP Sayli who also served Silanyo in the same capacity and Interior Minister Mohamed Kahin
See videos related to the party’s 20th anniversary commemorations