President Muse delivers his annual address to the two House of the Parliament


THT-In accordance with the laws and the Constitution of the country, we are committed to fulfill our obligation to ensure that the elections of the new political associations & presidential election are held on time this year, echoed H.E. Abdi, upon his annual address to the houses parliament today.

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The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, in his annual Nation Address in 2021, at the House of Representatives today, urged wealthy people should invest in our food production, in order to reduce our dependence on imported food.

Highlights of President Muse speech included; Economic Infrastructure, and achievements in 2021, Social Services; Security; and other points;

He added, government has clear policy that encourages public and private finances to unite in manufacturing and marine production, to meet our basic needs and reduce our dependency of imported goods.

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In order to prepare for a global catastrophe caused by war, disease or disruption to global trade, we as a government are taking steps to strengthen our food security & self-sufficiency and we also want Link Scholars and Wealthy, encouraging the country’s universities to innovate, and ways to mitigate, was among the points President mentioned in his speech.


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Read below the President’s speech in full;

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