World leaders and neighbor nations stand by the Somaliland community at this difficult time


THT-World government and leaders of neighboring countries have sent messages of solace and prayers to the people of Somaliland in the wake of the devastating fire that engulfed the Waheen market.

The leaders of Ethiopia, Taiwan, Somalia, Djibouti, and the United Kingdom have expressed their sympathy to the Somaliland community during this time and pledged their support all the way possible.

Djibouti President H.E. Ismael O. Guelleh’s  message stated “We are saddened by the fire that broke out last night at the main market in Hargeisa, Waheen. The tragedy that took place in Hargeisa is deeply troubling to us Djiboutians”.

H.E. Guelleh added, “We stand by our fellow Somalilanders. There is no doubt that they will overcome this problem and rebuild their beautiful city, and we stand by them as we have always done”.

Djibouti President stated, “I spoke to President Muse Bihi this yesterday, and a delegation from Djibouti will arrive in Hargeisa today”.

Kosovo President HE Behgjet Pacolli has urged the international community to support Somaliland in their reconstruction efforts.

A message HE Pacolli wrote on his twitter yesterday said, “Saddened to see the destruction from the fire in Hargeisa in the market that is an essential part of the city’s economy, affecting many small & family businesses.

I call on international community to support #Somaliland in the reconstruction efforts & provide help to the people.

Ethiopian PM H.E. Abiy Ahmed states in his message on Twitter, “I am shocked and saddened by the fire that broke out in the Central Market in Hargeisa, which caused extensive damage to public property. The losses are incalculable at this time. We share the grief of the people of Somaliland”.

PM Abiy added his message, “We tell them that we stand by them at this very difficult time. We pray that God to make easy for loss during this Holy Month of Ramadan. God belongs to us, and to Him we shall return’.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a statement, “Saddened to see the aftermath of the fire in Hargeisa with such destruction in the open market that is the economic heart of the city, affecting many small and family enterprises. Your city will rise again and the UK will do what we can to support Somaliland’s rebuilding effort”.

UK Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss stated, “Terrible news about the devastating fire in Hargeisa, Somaliland – it has now been brought under control,” the British Foreign Secretary said in a statement. The UK is working with the authorities and international partners to seek to provide support. My thoughts are with all those affected.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry’s message stated, “Our heartfelt sympathies to those impacted by the blaze at Waaheen Market in Hargeisa,”

Added the Taiwan’s FM statement. “Although the damage is significant, we have full confidence Somaliland will rise like a phoenix from the ashes. Taiwan stands with its Horn of Africa friend and partner at this challenging time”.


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