Somaliland CAAA ATC staff undergoes ICAO 052 Aerodrome Control course


THT-General Manager of the Civil Aviation and Airport Authority Mr. Omar Sayid Abdillahi Adan underlined future training will continue to get Somaliland aviation staff equipped with required knowledge while seeing off seven staffers who will undergo three months of training in the United Arab Emirates on Friday.

Mr. Omar Sayid speaking at Egal Airport wished them well in completing their studies for the ICAO 052 course.

The Aviation & Airports Authority is preparing to take over the management of its airspace, equipment and personnel in the near future.

The institute you are going to at Fujairah Aviation Academy, will not be the last training, in the future we will send others to Dubai aviation academy.

GM Omar Sayid advised the trainees to set an example for future employees, “We want all aviation personnel to have the required knowledge in every aspect, from competent institutions”.

The trainees thanked the aviation authorities and promised to carry out their duties to the nation.

The ICAO 052 Aerodrome Control course covers air traffic management, procedures and all aspects of aerodrome control.

It provides a comprehensive grounding to Aerodrome operations in both Visual and Instrument conditions enabling entrants to operate in any aerodrome environment within or outside of controlled airspace.


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