Soldiers’ pay rises begin in January – Dr Saad


Finance ministry unveils 2022 budget booklet approved by parliament

THT-Minister of Finance Dr Saad Ali Shire has announced that the increase in military salaries will begin in January, the President has signed the implementation of budget, and the minister issued ministerial decree.

The Ministry of Finance has unveiled to the public a version of this year’s budget, which includes the amendments by the House of Representatives made to it.

The booklet, which has been widely circulated by the ministry’s social media, has been widely praised by the public for the ministry’s leadership and their efforts.

This will be the first time that the Ministry of Finance has prepared and unveiled a revised copy of the budget, after the House of Representatives made amendments. It is a step commendable to the Ministry of Finance.

“We have published on our websites the 2022 government budget, if you are interested you can download it from our social sites”, was a message posted on social media by the Ministry of Finance.


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