President calls for closer collaboration with police force


The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi graced the 28th Anniversary of the National Police Force, which this year saw the unprecedented speeches delivered at the venue by chiefs of Police of our country’s neighbors, namely Djibouti and Ethiopian Somali State.

The Head of State notably pointed out the monumental endeavors so far achieved through selfness efforts emanating from their sacrificial actions. He decried the unprovoked incidences of assault cases that the members of the force were sporadically subjected to while in the cause of their duties.

He was convictional that it was incumbent upon the citizenry to work in collaboration with the police and not to the contrary.

He expressed his shock concerning the Somalia member state of Puntland wanting to have this country termed a terrorist state; (Read story elsewhere in this issue).

He had profuse words of good tidings for the force, applauded, and thanked them for their achievements over the past three decades.

Similar words were echoed by the Interior Minister whose portfolio carries the police docket.

He termed the constant services of police force as being the main key to peaceful stability in any communal setting.

The chief police commander Brig Gen Mohamed Adan Saqadi revisited the recent efforts made in streamlining the police force services as concerns diligence and swift actions especially by building good rapport amongst the members of the public and general collaboration with the police force; this includes, he underpinned, includes the injecting fresh  blood of educated youth amongst the ranks and files of the department.

The two other neighboring countries Police Commanders addressed the gathering; (see related story elsewhere in this issue),


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