SCAN LNGO under WFP registered 2,017 families for food assistance in Somaliland


THT-Scan LNGO under WFP has registered 2,017 families for food assistance in 9 villages near Hargeisa

Start from 7th August Scan LNGO has been undertaken a food assistance program under WFP across various villages around Hargeisa in Waqooyi Galbeed region. however, the program was to aid and provide food for 2017 families whom are indeed needed for support for their life struggles for access of food and water.

This program has been going on for the past two and half year consisting of cash-transfer phase and food phase which was aimed to support families whom covid19 crisis and locust has effected and distressed their economic status. WFP has prepared a millions of dollars humanitarian support for Somali community in grass-rood to near classes around urban cities.

Millions of families have been struggling to get access for food and backup as though their crops have been destroyed by locusts. Socioeconomic hit lowest in rate for the past of two years since Coronavirus (covid19) outbreak.

The registeration started from village called Qururuxley and the registeration process took almost two days of working days moreover, these villages has been experiencing severe hunger which caused by locusts and covid19 pendamics. from project objectives was.

  • Registering non previous registered families
  • aiming for lowest classes of the families.
  • prioritizing women and children above all
  • focusing on helping weaker society in the village
  • and protecting children at all cost

Project qualities: project objectives was to assist in need families and tackle poverty and hunger in these families therefore, Scan LNGO was aiming to classify less privileges’ families from privilege classes in the village

Here are villages and quick project scope for every villages.

  1. Qururuxley village

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Project location: Qururuxley 36 km North-East away from Hargeisa near Dararwayne

Registering numbers: 600 families

project duration: 2 days


2. Balayga cas village

Project location: 29 km North away from Hargeisa near Darasalaam District

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 300 families

project duration: 1 day


3. Beeyo Baxday village

Project location: 31 km North away from Hargeisa near Darasalaam District

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 250 families

Project duration: 1 day


4. Gaboobe village

Project location: 37 km North away from Hargeisa near Illinta dhexe

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 224 families



5. Boocley village

Project location: 46 km East-North away from Hargeisa near Qururuxley under Laas-geel district governance

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 150 families

Project duration: 1 day


6. Gubato village

Project location: 26 km North away from Hargeisa near gaboobe under darasalam district law

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 167 families

Project duration: 1 day


7. Bacado village

Project location: 12 km North away from Hargeisa near gubato under darasalam district law

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 150 families

Project duration: 1 day


8. Burcada village

Project location: 17 km North away from Hargeisa east from gubato under darasalam district law

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 97 families

Project duration: 1 day


9. Ballayga cad village

Project location: 37 km East-North away from Hargeisa in middle of Boocley and Qururuxley

Project Name: food assistance in Somaliland

Registering numbers: 50 families

Project duration: 1 day


Scan Implemented Livelihood Project in Five villages :

Aro-yanbo , Biyomacan , Beeyo-liban , Boodhley and Huluuq in Gabiley District funded by WFP ( March to July 2020 )


The objective of this project was to help the livelihood of the resilience of Boodhley,  Beeyo-liban, Biyo-macan, Huluuq and Caroyaanbo to overcome shocks the caused by prolong droughts  through Food Assistance for Assets program

The project activities are soil bunds for the all five villages for the first six months of the project..

The soil bunds  will allow to break the erosive power of water. This will allow water seepage and reduce erosion of the land thereby rehabilitating the lands. This will improve the food security situation allowing communities to concentrate on other productive activities.

These are the project highlights of the water catchments in the villages. this water catchments is aim to livelong and sustain their strength in the upcoming rainy seasons.

Soil bundsSoil bundsSoil bunds



Safety Net for Locust Response Project September 2020 to March 2021( Community Consultation )

The desert locust is the most dangerous of all migratory pest species in the world due to its ability to reproduce rapidly, migrate long distances, and devastate crops. In order to minimize the frequency, severity, and duration of plagues, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations operates a global early warning system based on the latest technological advances that have led to dramatic improvements in data management, analysis, and forecasting. The system can be a model for other early warning systems about migratory pests.

The UN notes that heavy flooding, as well as the effects of restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, will compound the socio-economic impact of locust infestations, likely resulting in increased food and livelihood needs in affected areas.

The Desert Locust situation in Somaliland is now classified as Dangerous with bands of hoppers reported in the breeding grounds in Somaliland . Swarms are laying eggs that will soon hatch as the fourth generation of breeding in Somaliland.

According to our latest assessment of Gubato, Balayga-cas, Beeyo-baxday and Ilinta-dhexe villages under Darasalaam district and Cabudla, Carayaanbo, Agamsaha, Boodhley , Huluuq and Biyo-macaan Villages under Gabilay District we found the conditions remain favourable for the continued development of the Desert Locust and the hopper bands.

For communities that we visited during the assessment in this villages we found that they still reeling from a drought in 2018 which starved to death more than 70% of their animals, there may be little escape from the devastation which looms ahead.

community consultation Ilinta-dhexe villagecommuntiy consultation in Gubato villageGubato villageCommunity consultation in Balayga-Cas villageCommunity consultation in Cabudla villageCommunity consultation in Carayanbo villageCarayanbo villageCommunity consultation in Biyomacan villageBiyo Macan villagecommunity consultation in Beeyo baxday villageBeeyo baxday villageBeeyo baxday village

The Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN) is a multi-purpose, non-governmental, non-profitable, established in the year 2005 engaged in promoting the community development with a focus on grass-root initiatives to alleviate poverty and human suffering and to assist them in restoring their stability, social change, economic improvement, development and empowering them to control their livelihoods. SCAN is a Somali word that reflects “local”. SCAN main aim reflects to serve the community in terms of social, economic, and environment promotional activities and to build a good socially responsible society. It also bound to look for the development of the rural poor and empower them towards their sustainability.

Since its inception, the society carried out many welfare relief’s, development and issues-based programs, especially for the empowerment of Somaliland poor communities, Women, Children, Youth, and Otherwise Abled. Displaced, Migrants and unorganized sectors through support and counteraction programs with a vision of programs of translating community empowerment into a meaningful expression of Social Action, Development programs, sustainable use of their already meagre natural resources.


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