Upgrading veterinary capacities in Somaliland


THT-Somaliland Ministry of Environment and Rural Development (MOERD), Torrid Analytics and Veterinaires sans Frontieres Czech Republic (VSF-Cz) are launching a project to upgrade veterinary capacities in Debbis Biodiversity Center, located 80Km N of Hargeisa. The project set to take off from July 2021 is expected to conclude by November 2021.

The project supported by the Government of the Czech Republic will upgrade facilities for veterinary care in Debbis by providing veterinary equipment and necessary medicine for professional and expert care for wildlife housed in the Debbis Biodiversity Center.

The Center managed by MOERD currently serves as a rescue center for more than 60 endangered gazelles and other antelopes confiscated from various private owners following adoption of new environmental legislation.

Minister of Environment and Rural Developemnt, Shukri Bandare, says, “The veterinary equipment will be used to establish a wildlife veterinary clinic in the Debbis Biodiversity Center. We believe that the upgraded veterinary capacity will assure significantly better care for the wildlife hosted at the center. Moreover we want to utilize the center to step up our education activities about wildlife for the public. ”

As a part of the project, the partners will also establish National Wildlife DNA and Bio-tissue bank alongside a joint research project between Somaliland researchers and the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.

Prof. David Modry PhD, a representative of VSF Czech Republic states, “The establishment of a joint research program between the Czech Academy of Science and Somaliland researchers and establishment of wildlife DNA bank will be the first such activity in Somaliland, a country whose wildlife is one of the least explored globally. Stored biological material will enable deeper mutual collaboration of local Somaliland researchers with the scientific community abroad.”

“The support provided to the project in Debbis is a part of our strategy to step up bilateral relations with Somaliland and to advance economic relations with the country. Somaliland is a stable partner with enormous growth potential and we hope that partnerships between Czech and Somaliland industries and academics will play a part in the country’s future success.” says Jaroslav Zukerstein, the Czech Deputy Ambassador in Addis Ababa


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