Hadraawi book and late Mohamed Moge autobiography unveiled


THT-Over couple of thousand people, mostly youths, attended two events launching books, one written by poet Mohamed I. Hadraawi and the other one a biographical work on late singer cum poet Mohamed Moge, both being celebrated legends in their fields.

‘Hawaale Warran’ is by Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame ‘Hadraawi’, the great poet, freedom fighter, peacemaker, man of justice and human rights.


The other book ‘Foolaad’ that has been compiled by Mohamed Sullaiman who is senior official in education department and Abdirahman Hikmaawi is about the late Somaliland hero, Mohamed Mooge Liban who was an educationist, poet, musician, singer, and freedom fighter.

The function was attended by among others WADDANI & UCID opposition parties chairmen Hon Abdirahman Erro and Eng Faisal Waraabe, The Interior minister Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed amongst other cabinet ministers, businessmen, intellectuals and countless eminent guests from within country and without and general members of the public.


Speakers at the subsequent events held on two consecutive days deliberated upon the history of both legends, their works, struggles and legacy.

Many attendees purchased the books unveiled at the function.

The event coincides with the opening of the Hargeisa International Book Fair, come next week, which is held annually in the Somaliland capital, and as usual is expected to be attended by various international writers with a designated nation honoured as the guest of the year, this one being Ethiopia.



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