President Pardons 484 Prisoners


THT-The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E Muse Bihi Abdi has issued a Presidential directive # JSL/XM/WM/222-650/042021 which he grants a general amnesty to prisoners serving time for minor offenses in the country’s prisons.

A Press Statement Released by the Director of the Presidential Communication Office and signed by the President stated as Follows:

As of today, I offer General Pardon, due to the holy month of Ramadan, for the 484 (Four hundred and Eighty-Four) Prisoners convicted of minor offenses and serving time in the country’s prisons. This amnesty does not affect civil rights and the resulting penalties, as stipulated in Article 92 of the General Penal Code. The amnesty shall be administered by the Office of the Attorney General, according to the attached list of Prisoners.


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