NEC notifies political parties on submission deadline


THT-The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has given the official political parties the deadline of submitting the list and testimonials of their respective civic election candidates.

In the notification directive signed by the NEC Chairman Mr. Abdirashid M. Ali, the KULMIYE, WADDANI and UCID political parties were asked to submit the necessary pre-requisite items required of them as per the statutory laws specified.

Most important is the 75 days minimum period for submissions before the polling day.

The directive notes that Wednesday the 17th of March, 2021 by 6:00 PM (18:00hrs) is the deadline for the handing in of the civic candidates lists accompanied by required testimonials and cash receipts paid to the finance department.

This means they have three days or so to comply.

By M.A. Egge


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