46 Departmental heads instilled in leadership talents


Ministry of Finance opened a two-day training course for 46 members of the Departmental heads.

During the training, participants would learn about staff evaluation and creative leadership, as well as enhancement of staff knowledge and skills.

Mohamed Ahmed Wayrah, director of the Human Resources department   said the training was in line with previous training by the department’s directors, adding that once the directors are trained in various assessment methods, they will re-evaluate operations of the staff they are responsible.

PFM project Coordinator Hassan Farah speaking the venue stated the aim of the training was to acquire knowledge and skills that would enable employees of the ministry’s various departments to be assessed in a fair and just manner.

Finally, the Deputy Minister of Finance of Somaliland, Muse Ibrahim Yusuf, advised trainees to apply gained knowledge to their work, adding that similar trainings will follow near future Allah will.


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