SOLJA reiterates need for adherence to ethics


The Somaliland Journalist Association (SOLJA) has reiterated the need for the adherence of the code of regulations as far as Media Ethics are concerned.

SOLJA gave the sentiments in a press release circulated to the media dated Saturday the 27th February 2021.

The statement focused on the adherence of Somaliland Media Law No 27/2004 and in advent the avoiding of indulgence into the National Armed Forces issues that is cushioned protectively within the law for security reasons.

SOLJA noted that it acknowledges the duties of journalists whose chores, day and night, strive to disseminate information to the populace hence equally appreciated the importance of their tasks.

The association reiterated the ethical standards needed and ought to be stuck to in the profession of disseminating factual, verified corroborated and truthful items, articles etc. which are impartial in essence.

Having said that, the SOLJA statement decried the dissemination of unverified and non-corroborated news about military affairs, which are prohibited by the statutory laws and the constitution.

It cautioned the media fraternity to desist and refrain from unethical issues especially to the detriment of the national security.

It was signed by the chairman of SOLJA Mr Zakaria Ahmed Muhumed.

By M.A Egge


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