Somaliland: 10th Batch of the University of Burao Graduates 499, President Awards Top Achievers in Every Faculty


“Anyone indulging in rape and other forms of violence against women should be apprised that customary law is no longer applicable thence the full wrath of law” president Bih

THT- Established in 2004 as an independent Toghdeer region community-based higher education institution the University of Burao held its 10th Graduation ceremony on the 19th-10-2020.
The colourful ceremony that culminated with 499 students graduating was officiated by the Somaliland head of state Muse Bihi Abdi flanked by members of his cabinet and Toghdeer regional administrators and witnessed by national and local politicians, parents, UB staff and hundreds of ordinary citizen attending from all over the country.

Parents and other stakeholders at 10th Batch of the University of Burao Graduates 499,

Prior to proud graduands receiving their bachelorette testimonials the function was addressed by various dignitaries whose speeches dwelt mostly in encouraging the graduates to pursue service for the country while thanking all those whose efforts among them parents and lecturers contributed to the successful achievement.

University of Burao 10th batch graduates

To jumpstart start events with a concise briefing was the university of Burao vice chancellor , Dr. Issa Nur Liban, informing that the institution which was initiated by the local community in 2004 purposely to serve higher education needs of Toghdeer residents is now a fully subsided by the central government.
“from humble beginnings the University of Burao has grown from strength to strength over the years which has seen it expand to fully serve the entire eastern regions as well other areas of the country” said the VC adding that this expansion has resulted in a subsequent need for an increase in faculties and campuses.

university of Burao vice chancellor , Dr. Issa Nur Liban

Today the UB has It has more than 10 faculties and departments namely

• Faculty of Animal Science & Agriculture
• Faculty of Education
• Faculty of Business Administration, Public Management and Economics.
• Faculty of Information Communication Technology
• Faculty of Human Medicine and Nursing
• Faculty of Languages
• Faculty of Sharia & Law
• Faculty of Community Development
• Faculty of Engineering
• School of Rural Development and Somali Studies
• Department of Research, Training and Short Courses
It has branches in other districts outside of Burao such as Sheikh, Aynabo and Oodweyne. In 2016, the school was selected as member of Association of Arab Universities. It has a bio-gas initiative done by faculty of Veterinary students and web development research done by faculty of ICT students.

University of Burao 10th batch graduates

Others to address the function were the Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Diriye, the Mayor of Togdheer region and the Mayor of Burao, who jointly, commended the graduates and urged them to continue their efforts to improve their knowledge, reminding them that education has no limits thence a lifelong continuous process

President Bih officiates at the University of Burao 10th graduation ceremony

The guest if honour President Muse Bihi Abdi, congratulated the graduates of Burao University and those who have contributed to their academic success said he, “On my own behalf, that of my administration and the people of Somaliland I take this opportunity to congratulate the University of Burao for its construction, ideas and advice, and I congratulate the faculty and administration for bringing the students to this level of graduation ”
The president urged the students to apply their knowledge to their country and serve their people, reminding them that they have a great responsibility to the nation and are expected to develop themselves and their nation.

President Bihi’s grand entrance to Burao town the capital of Toghdeer region

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, HE Muse Bihi Abdi, thanked the people of Togdheer region for the warm and patriotic welcome extended to him and his delegation during his working visit to Burao.
The head of state who also commiserated with the family of the late Ugbaad who was brutally murdered in Burao last week as well as Somaliland women in general went on to inform that his administration shall no longer watch in silence as women continue to suffer through increasing incidents of gender based violence.

Somaliland: 10th Batch of the University of Burao Graduates 499, President Awards Top Achievers in Every Faculty

“Anyone indulging in rape and other forms of violence against women should be apprised that customary law in which the victim is married to the perpetrator or family paid compensation is no longer applicable thence the full wrath of law” said president Bihi
Once speeches were completed the president assisted by the minister of education and the vice chancellor presented top students from each faculty with testimonials while the remainder of the 499 graduates took theirs later.

Somaliland army guard of honour for their commander in chief president Bihi at Burao university Toghdeer Region

In conclusion the president Bihi who is also commander in chief of the Somaliland national army inspected a guard of honour mounted by troops from various bases in Toghdeer region

Somaliland army guard of honour at Burao university

Read also : Somaliland Citizens Stamp President Bihi’s Administration Popularity in the Eastern Regions of Toghdeer and Sahil

President Bihi inspects a guard of honour mounted by Somaliland army at Burao university

By: Yusuf M Hassan


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