Somaliland shuns Somalia’s electoral talks


THT-Somaliland government has strongly accentuated that there is no way its populace can be party of Somalia’s 2021 election.

This follows the recently wrapped up talks between the Federal Govt of Somalia and its member states in Mogadishu which clearly stated politicians representing Somaliland to be elected in Mogadishu.

According to a press statement from Somaliland’s Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Somaliland government has notified int’l partners including the EU and the AU that the upcoming Somalia’s election has nothing to do with Somaliland.

The statement further stressed that Somaliland is a sovereignty country that has a democratic elections in which the public play in the decision making process by electing their representatives, city Councillors and the president.

SL has sent a stern warning to Somalia to stop claiming Somaliland as part and parcel of its territory and misleading the international community.

This follows that the recently concluded talks between the Federal Govt and its member states in Mogadishu issued a declaration saying that the election of politicians hailing from Somaliland will be held in Mogadishu.

Somaliland government has notified its populace to refrain from colluding with the country’s foes who are preoccupied with conspiring the nation.

The government calls on the public to stand in solidarity of anyone that is determined to undermine the sovereignty of Somaliland.



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