I wish all 11,000 candidates seating the final secondary schools examination in Somaliland success for their hard won work in school.
This was stated by the deputy minister of education and higher studies Ahmed Hasan Nuur Tajir as he officially launched the 2019-2020 Somaliland secondary schools final examinations at the Sheikh Madar Secondary school in the capital Hargeisa.
The Minister also welcomed final year students from Taleeh district in Sool region for being the first to seat Somaliland national secondary schools examinations from the District

The deputy minister who was flanked by several senior education officials and the Chairman of the National Examination Board Daud Ahmed Farah pldedgerd towards the administration of president Muse Bihi ensuring that the examinations were undertaken in a fair and impartial manner.
upon the official launch of the nationwide exercise which is employing new formulas as a precaution against Covid-19 spread the Chairman of the National Examination Board Daud Ahmed Farah gave a breakdown of various aspects of the exam
According to the examination board chief out of the 11000 candidates 6160 are male while females make up the remainder who will seat for the final test in 200 centres nationwide where 200 teachers shall be acting as supervisors with another 1000 invigilating.
“Though we have mentioned only 1000 invigilators what is salient is the fact that we have another 200 on standby incase anything happens to those on duty ” said Daud Ahmed Farah adding that 1000 police officers have been seconded to the examinations on a 24 hours basis in addition to those on emergency duties
this year both the candidates and those supervision the examinations in various capacities shall and must wear masks at all times as part of Covid-19 preventive measures informed the Somaliland National Examination Board chairperson

The face masks are not the only measures put in place against the global virus pandemic since the number of candidates in each and every examination room country wide shall be six only in order to observe physical distancing as opposed to the regular 20 in past exercises.
This examination shall also be the first to have primary schools not participating in the examinations simultaneously with secondary schools which shall take ten days