#Somaliland : President Establishes a National Corona Virus Prophylactic Committee

Somaliland Government Establishes a National Corona Virus Prophylactic Committee

THT-The government of Somaliland is to take a coordinated strategy towards guarding the country from the Corona Virus Infection.

This was stated through a presidential decree that established an inter-ministerial national committee tasked with not only guarding but preventing the spread of the Covid 19 infection in Somaliland.

In his decree President Muse Bihi Abdi said that though the administration has in the past  set up some preventive mechanisms like medical surveillance at airports, seaports and border crossing points  managed by the ministry of health, the national Prophylactic committee which is an inter-ministerial one, has been prompted by the spread  intensification of  the Corona Virus currently reported in 123 worldwide among them  18 countries on the African continent, after Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Guinea all confirming their first cases on Friday.

The presidential decree # JSL / XM / G / 083-488 / 032020 establishing the national Corona Virus Prophylactic Committee, addressed to the

  1. Minister of health
  2. Minister of interior
  • Minister of information, Culture & national Guidance
  1. Minister of Religious Affairs and
  2. Minister Education and Science


Quote- As you know, we had in the past taken national steps to prevent the outbreak of then   Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic with preventive steps taken being stringent   investigations and inspections at all airports, ports and ports of entry undertaken by staff of the ministry of health.

However, with the virus now termed pandemic following its spread worldwide more and coordinated effort is required as pertains prevention and preparation for any eventualities.

Therefore, I hereby appointed you members of the National Coronavirus (Covid-19) Prophylactic Committees tasked with  Coordinating all national activities related to  Prevention  of virus prevalence, its Spread, Containment, and subsequent management .

This inter-ministerial  Committee shall be chaired by Minister of Health.

I hope you will take this Corona virus  preparation and prevention duties seriously thence act diligently towards saving our citizens from infection. –Unquote

Somaliland President Muse Bihi Establishes a National Corona Virus Prophylactic Committee

Though the virus is prevalent in  18 African countries this  national committee comes a day after  two neighbouring countries reported first confirmed Covid-19 cases namely Kenya and Ethiopia.

The Corona virus confirmation in Addis Ababa  prompted the Government of Somaliland to suspend issuance of entry visas to Ethiopian citizens traveling to Somaliland as confirmed by  deputy envoy to the neighbouring  country Ambassador Barkhad  Mohamed Kaariye.

Movement  of goods and people between Somaliland and Ethiopia is wide spread both regulated and unregulated thence the urgings by the Addis Ababa based envoy for Somalilanders living in Ethiopia to strictly observe preventive measures set out by the World health organization.

On Friday after confirmation of its first Covid 19 case the Kenyan  government banned all public gathering and functions as it traces all persons who came into contact with the infected lady said to have returned home from the US via London.

In the meantime The World Health Organization (WHO) is scaling up preparedness efforts for the coronavirus disease, now known as COVID-19, in the African region and supporting countries there to implement the recommendations of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee, which met in Geneva, Switzerland on 30 January. On the advice of the Emergency Committee, the WHO Director-General, declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).

More recently, the WHO Regional Office for Africa was represented at an emergency meeting of the Minsters of Health in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on 14 February.  Ministers resolved to strengthen coordination and cooperation among Member States, enhance surveillance measures at points of entry, increase public awareness efforts, and to develop a regional preparedness plan.

The WHO which appealed on Friday for contributions to its vulnerable countries support fund is not alone since the international monetary fund –IMF  has  committed to supporting member countries especially the most vulnerable with tools and funds as well as through close coordination with partner institutions.

According to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva “The IMF could quickly disburse $50 billion through its emergency financing facilities to low income and emerging market countries dealing with COVID-19.”

Iran which has confirmed 12,729 Covid -19 cases and  611 deaths  and counting has appealed for financial support from these institutions but sanction ions imposed by the US administration of president Trump are said to be an impediment.

For Somaliland which is yet to recognized internationally as a sovereign country over 3 decades since withdrawing from its 1960 voluntary later turned fateful union with Somalia, access to these funds will be a monumental task , if Iran is an example of global politics.

As coronavirus spreads across the globe, countries in Africa are taking preventive measures to keep the disease out and many are showing a strong level of preparedness to counter its spread, and Somaliland is not left behind  despite its meager resources thence the national Covid_19 Prophylactic Committee is timely.

By: Yusuf M Hasan.


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