Somaliland: “President Bihi has Prioritized Development of Sool Region” Minister Kore


THT-The Minister of Information, Culture and National Guidance Hon. Suleiman Yusuf Ali Kore has underscored the numerous programmes of developmental progresses that the government of Somaliland has made in the vast Sool region.

Hon. Suleiman made the recap of tangible projects established by the government at a venue where he addressed a multitude of residents who thronged Darkeyn Genyo for the coronation of a traditional leader, Garaad Mukhtar Garaad Ali Burale.

The Minister rallied the populace to support their government in building the nation through the noble chores of stepping up social and public services.

He announced a further water bore-hole drilling project to be inaugurated on the same day at the centre that would cost the government a half a million dollars.

The Information Minister was flanked by his water colleague Hon. Mohamed Musa Dirie.

He urged the residents to shun the politics of division hence rallied them for the cause of harmonious unity in achieving developments.

He outlined various projects implemented by the government as far as roads, water and several public amenities are concerned.

By M.A. Egge


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