Somaliland: Government reveals a quarantine place for Corona virus suspects


THT- The Ministry of Health has announced setting up quarantine place for Corona virus suspects & infected individuals.

Director General of the Ministry of Health Development Dr Mohamed Abdi Xergeeye stated government has sanctioned East of Hargeisa plot a quarantine place for Corona virus suspects & infected individuals.

Dr Xergeeye added his ministry had stationed all land and sea borders of the country by medical staff to screen anyone entering Somaliland.

President Hon. Muse Muse Bihi Abdi on Thursday appointed the Corona virus Preparedness and Prevention Committee comprising the Minister of Health, Minister of Interior, Minister of Information, Culture, Minister of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Education.

Health Professionals are taking measures to protect people’s health and prevent the spread of the #COVID-19 at Wajaale District – the border city between Somaliland & Ethiopia.


Minister for Health Development will lead the committee.

On march 13 2020, Youth for Health Initiative have launched a nationwide Corona virus Awareness Campaign to educate Somaliland community about the risks and precautions of COVID_19 Pandemic outbreak.

#youthforhealthinitiative #Covid-19 awareness campaign

By: Mohamoud Walaaleye


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