Somaliland: $7m from Stakeholders in the EU to Boost Rule of Law in the Country


THT-Rule of law in Somaliland has received a big enhancement boost through a contribution of $7m from Sweden.

At the Signing of the project Somaliland was represented by interior minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed while the donor Sweden was represented by Ambassador Mr Andreas von Uexküll and witnessed by European Envoy to Somalia and Somaliland ambassador Nicolas Berlanga.
Others in attendance at the colourful ceremony in Hargeisa included Minister of Justice and his National Planning counterpart, Attorney General, Police & Custodial Chiefs, Principal Immigration officer, the director of the National Human Rights and some representatives from United Nations and European Union agencies partnering Somaliland in the judicial and security sectors.

L-R Swedish envoy Andreas von Uexküll and Somaliland interior minister sign Rule of law pact as EU’s Somaliland & Somalia envoy Mr Nicolas Berlanga looks on in Hargeisa

Watch the functions video in English with a brief introduction in Somali
By: Mohamoud Ali Walaaleye
Freelance Reporter
Hargeisa- Somaliland


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