Hargeisa Water Extension Program will be completed soon


Mohamed Ali Ahmed Darod, General Manager of Hargeisa Water Agency told the media that the project is proceeding as scheduled and will be completed according to program.

Speaking about the importance of the project he said, “The agency and the government have in mind the importance of the project for the people and will ensure that it is completed on time. Expatriates working in the project have left for Christmas and new year holidays and will return to continue their job. Rumors by some websites and media that the work of the project has stopped is false and non-existing.”

The manager added that the role of the agent is to see that the project is running smoothly and on time, but the work of the project is being carried by an Ethiopian Company.

He also stated that HABITAT is responsible for the project being financed by EU.

The manager claimed that the 3 of the 7 engines at the site of the wells were not working when he took office, but he succeeded in repairing 2 of them and that 3rd will be fixed soon.

“Hargeisa gets more water today than at the day I have taken over the management of the office. We increased the number of hours of production of water and will continue doing that.”

Mohamed Farah, HABITAT official responsible for the project said, “60% of the extension of Hargeisa water project has been completed. An Ethiopian Company – which won the tender is carrying the project – and has completed at the fixed time we have agreed on.”

He added that the work at the project can’t be stopped or suspended without valid reason and that the Company will lose thousands of dollars if it stops working for a single day.


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