Somaliland: None Should Be Allowed to Contravene Local. Urgency laws


When it comes to what is termed a nation, it should encompass all the trappings of what a republic state should entail.
As of Somaliland, there is no need to remind our readers that we are not yet a dejure state. That is the political quest we are striving for.
What matters is that we are a defacto state that was borne of aspirations of the people.
By re-asserting and re-affirming our independence, we ought to go forward, as expectedly planned.
There’s the flag, the territory, the state institutions, the population, the passports and allied identification papers, the army, the three arms and organs of governance etc.
Our obligation as patriots is to march forward and safeguard the entities above which makes our essence of being valid.
That much said, we ought to support the President of the Republic H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Mohamud Silanyo for his steadfast efforts in flying high our essence of being.
The currency issue is in the limelight today.There is no question that it must be supported to the hilt.
Whoever refuses to, shies away from or impedes the use of our Legal Tender would be indulging on an act of treachery.
To make it worse, indulging in this treachery at a time we are seeking a de-jure stature is definitely a direct attack on our aspirations hence undermines further efforts of achieving the same.
It is worth noting that the citizens who supported the President’s decision were being patriotic and should be emulated.
As for the Telesom official who released a press statement arguing that the electronic cash system did not abet the inflation rate is wanting.
This is simply because both the Zaad and the E-dahab has prominently put forth the foreign currency as their basic factorial mode of transaction.
By suppressing the local currency at the expense of the foreign one is a self-explanatory factor on the issue, yes indeed self defeatist.
Other local traders cannot escape the blame.
So too are the schools, service providers like the electricity companies etc. They are not with blemish. No even the hawkers.
It’s only the local tea kiosks surprising who are seemingly the patriots!
Perhaps the collective ineptudeness on the part of the population not to see the signs on the wall infected the central bank officials who could not stand their ground as early as 2009.
Now that the President has come to our rescue ever since he first appointed the committee to delve into the inflation matter hence have given the subsequent decrees, he should be supported to the hilt.
No institutions, however large or powerful, should suppress the aspirations of the nation.
The Head of State rightly pointed out that the matter directly has an impact on the social welfare, security and stability of the society. The capacitarion of the central bank is a pre-requisite for having a viable treasury institution in a nation.
To be able to acquire ample treasury bonds hence act on flotations when necessary to tame demand/ supply curves on the monetary front is its utmost task.
The rejoinder of the Central Bank DG to the Telesom Spokesman was articulate.
Now that a rapport has been made and the major institution have supported the President’s initiative, we call upon the economic think tanks to eke in ideas that may help throughout the period that the controlling of inflation and soaring costs of living is in process.
Despite the fact that the drought has compounded the crisis, the directives were long overdue and has to be executed.
This task is indeed huge, monumental and one that will be in duress hence has have to have the support of all Somalilanders.
We cannot be Somalilanders if we do not stand to be counted.
We cannot be Somalilanders if we do not join in the battle of fighting against the inflation malaise and that of soaring prices.
The commerce department should force the local traders to streamline the costs of the basic necessities since we know how they too have inflated them.
The down-trend of the petroleum prices for the past four years was shockingly not reflected in SL’s transactions.
Unscrupulous traders have without impunity made it custom to sky-rocket the prices of basic necessities without the slightest provocation. They only need to cling on the slightest rumour to do so!
Once again we call upon all Somalilanders to support the streamlining of the market forces as far as currencies are concerned since by doing so will only be doing an obligation incumbent upon all patriots.
Somaliland shillings should be guaranteed to flourish because it will be an act of stability, social welfare security and prosperity for the nation.
Nobody at all should be allowed to contravene the Legal Tender regulations or undermine its existence and that of the nation.



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