Samsam Abdi Adan is benevolent minister for Somaliland people


In a world of massive emotional kinds, some emotional sorts distort our perception while others sharpen it. Happiness, sorrow, desperation, and jubilation can be among the numerous feelings human being experience during their lifetime.  Recently, one of our friend felt complex despair about seemingly increasing evil and its dominance in the world. The waves of notoriety replicated in his mind and became nearly to defeat the goodness he was nurtured. Our friend narrated one story full of discouraging encounters. He told us several instances he encountered energy sapping failures in which he could not receive help from the expected sources. At the time we swam in this hard time with our friend the sense of pessimism were very prone to seize our minds.  Our friend Abdullah Ibrahim Hajji Hassan who is courageous and have the ability to listen people, pin his ears back to the remarks of our lamenting friend. Abdullah empathically made sense of his words.  When he finished his mournful remarks, our ears were invited by amazing stories which revived the hope that the goodness will never be defeated by the evil. The short stories that re-assured us that the good deeds will never lose power against evil ones. Those encouraging stories were told us by Abdullah Ibrahim Hajji Hasan.



At this time we were crossing the bridge towards the north direction and drove directly on the road beside the ministry of finance headquarter, it was 1:48 pm at noon and the acting finance minister, Samsam Abdi Adan was leaving from her office.  Our friend Abdullah remembered crucial stories about her. He started a story about her helpfulness and how she helped him many times and enabled his economic and reputational power to move from low level to satisfactory one.

“I am telling how this high moral woman enabled me to understand the benefits of honesty, commitment, and doing sacrifice for the country and those who are in need.  This insightful and lavish minister provides assistance for me without expectation to receive potential rewards in exchange” our friend Abdullah remarked.

Our friend eloquently described the helpfulness of the ex-minister of education and the current finance minister of Somaliland country.

“It was gloomy morning when I noticed that Qule Adan Secondary and primary school got two teachers in the enlisted teachers whom were assigned to join the payroll while other schools got six teachers from the whole sum. I ascertained that the share my school got was extremely small. I realized that there were no acceptable reasons to accept the underrepresentation of my school which deserve to be honored because the school was named after one of the prominent SNM veterans who devoted his life for Somaliland people. When I told MS. Samsam about the tiny share that Qule Adan School got from the recruiting teachers, she took well-informed and quick decision about the case and told the officer who did that implausible injustice and underrepresentation to treat Qule Adan Secondary and Primary school equally. She ordered the officer to provide six teachers for my School. In this way, the prudent minster eliminated the injustice and restored equality among Somaliland schools” My friend Abdullah commented.




In another occasion, Qule Adan school campus was given to foreign agency from (Turkey) and we were suddenly informed to vacate the campus. This instant decision bewildered us as we could not afford the fast dislocation we were ordered to do. At a time we were torn between the compulsory command and the hardship to fulfill the dislocation task, the generous minister noticed about the case and she generated wise solution that pleased both sides.

The insightful minister solved the problem tactfully and promised us that she would provide us a spacious land and that the ministry would build large campus for Qule Adan School.

Knowing her commitment and her diligence, we accepted her offer and we vacated the working campus of our school.

She fulfilled the promise and she provided spacious land for Qule Adan School.  She also built attractive Campus for the school in Massala area.




Abdilahi Ibrahim Haji Hasan(the speaker of  ministry of education) and Shiine Abdi Hayan(the principle of Qule Adan) are providing certificate of appreciation and honor for the benevolent minister, Zamsam Abdi Adan.


Equally important, Samsam Abdi Adan helped my personal upward mobility because she was the person who nominated me to be the principle of Qule Adan School. Our friend Abdullah mentioned. This Tittle became the first stratum which I climbed up the ladder of personal growth. This title became the sparkplug that fueled the dynamos of my economic and reputational growth.






This helpful minister also nominated me to be Regional Education Officer in Hawd province; she also nominated me to be the Speaker of the ministry of education (the second step of my personal growth and the current title of mine in the ministry)


Hearing those caring assistance she did for one individual in her ministry, I became very curious about the other developmental works she did for the community. Through observation and deduction, I found a mounting sacrifice and valuable works she did for Somaliland people.

While she was in the ministry of education she realized numerous achievements and tirelessly empowered the growth of the ministry and its employees.

One of her appreciated performance is the bravery move to provide free education for the elementary and intermediate students. This golden deed revived the moral of thousands of Somaliland families who staggering under the difficulties of covering fee payments for their youngsters. It also encouraged hundreds of students who eagerly want to learn but could not avoid enrolling schools.

Beside this golden accomplishment, she tried to provide pension benefits for the retired senior citizens who courageously provide their cherished energy and sacrifice to partake the development of Somaliland education. Among incalculable works, some of the useful deeds of her are the following.

  1. Zalel, Gabilay, Hawd, and Oodwayn education centers were completed.
  2. Erigavo University campus was set up.
  3. Hargiese Library center was erected finalized.
  4. Well-decorated and huge buildings was completed for Amoud University
  5. Well-ventilated buildings were erected for Berbera and Burou universities.
  6. Burou orphanage centers were completed.
  7. Built giant ward in Hargiese hospital for the employees of the ministry of education.
  8. Degmo center for heritage and rural life development was established.
  9. Sanaag and Sool Secondary boarding school campuses were founded.
  10. Finished the campus for the Science and Arts Academy.
  11. Finished and furnished large building for Awdal regional ministry of finance


On the other hand, the other useful tasks she did for the community is that she strengthened and empowered Somaliland economy. She is the person who became saving boat for the economy because she overcame the hardly challenging obstacles that most people failed to solve. It’s beyond question that she turned to be a finance minister in a hard time in which Somaliland economic growth was affected by gruesome fighting’s in Yemen. Yemen was the main route for Somaliland livestock export. It’s also the main source which Somaliland country depend on for the importation of numerous products.

The shocking political instability that appeared in Yemen would force the growth of country’s economy to be sluggish if she was not the acting finance minister in that hard-hitting period.

If her hard work, diligence, and dependable aptitude were absent in the arena, the badly damaged economy would undermine the budget which in turn cause the decrease of public expenditures, employment programs, implementation of useful projects which was intended to improve the infrastructures and utilities of the country.

But with presence of the highly experienced finance minister, Samsam Abdi Adan, our economic and financial wellbeing was protected and ensured to be progressive in remarkable manner and our governmental budget is affirmed to increase dramatically. For instance, her enormous achievement in that tough period and how she turned that fearful financial and economic threat into fruitful opportunity show us her incomparable ability and insight to position our economy in thankful



position and that she has the power to safeguard our people to be save from any drab and harsh financial winter.


Furthermore, the other important accomplishment of her is that she took lion share for the safety of drought and famine traumatized-nomads in Awdal and Zalel. Last year, when the drought and cataclysmic starvation widely affected in Awdal and Zalel region, Samsam Abdi Adan took unforgettable strides to assist the starved, destitute rural nomads.  She protected the people from the adverse effects of the strict drought which otherwise claim huge number of rural-dwelling nomads. Had the acting finance minister Zamsam Abdi Adan not rushed for the safety of those haggard rural nomads the bone-chilling winter plus hunger would kill thousands of nomads in Awdal and Zalel regions.

More to the point, she was very prompt to help the poor and the marginalized, for she suddenly responded the emergency call from the region. She provided unparalleled assistance for the drought victims.  She  provided Ambulances, several tons of food, and abundant water for the people.

My friend  Ahmed Adan Dahir who  was in Quljeed when Samsam Abdi Adan were serving for the drought victims  told me that he stood beside her at time she was talking to the victims’. Ahmed Adan told me that he read the feeling of sympathy from her eyes. She was feeling sorrow for victims as if they were her brothers and sisters. For this reason, my friend Ahmed Adan promised that he will name his young daughter after Samsam Abdi Adan.




It’s beyond question that this perceptive finance minister considers problems prudently, ponder possible solutions, reach informed opinions, and act on rational reasons.


Some naysayers said rude remarks about her but the vast majority of Somaliland community regard her as brave. It was said that “millipede does not limb a loss of one leg” therefore, the wicked, the cynic, and the jealous cannot put only one stain on her pure and clean work and personality.


All in all, we are all thankful to MS. Samsam Abdi Adan. Her noble performances are written on inerasable golden and historic pages. The blessing, the mercy, and the kindness from almighty God may encircle Ms. Samsam Abdi Adan.


fffFarah Barkhad Nour

Writer and researcher


Borama, Somaliland





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