We’ll institute investigations on Awdal judges’ resignations, says Chief Justice


adam-haji-aliBy M.A. Egge

The Chief Justice has said that his office will immediately embark on investigations surrounding the reasons and circumstances under which the resignations of part of his senior staff in Awdal and Selel regions took place.

Justice Adam Ali Ahmed however said that the resignations of the top judicial official in Awdal region and four other districts magistrates (two of them resident district magistrates) would not impede the services of the department.

The Chief Justice first made the statement to our sister paper Dawan on Friday evening and later to the members of the press on the following day while on official duties of supreme court circuit tour in the eastern region of Togdeer.

Following the resignation of the top appellate justice (chairman of Awdal Appeal Court) Idiris Muse the District of Zaila Court head Mukhtar Dahir Jibril and that of Dila District Abdiwahab M. Qalinle resigned alongside with a district magistrate Abdillahi Omar Farah and a regional magistrate Makahil Abdi Me’ad (both of Awdal district and region). They all based their reasons on outside pressure from the executive branch of the state meddling in their work.

The Chief Justice lamented that at a time that the magistrates’ and judges’ remunerations were upped considerably and the capacity building of the sector was formidably bolstered “it was quite sad that they should take such steps”.

He said further that their unwarranted actions was not at par with the independence the judiciary was enjoying presently.

Chief Justice Adan expounded further his laments by noting that the resignations of the Awdal judges came at a time when the rights (of tenure etc) of the sector are under review.

He said that following complaints against Appellate Justice Idiris he summoned the regional judicial chief for consultations and advised him to defend himself without the executive frocks.

In essence he named justice Mohammed Said Saaween to head the office on a temporary basis.

The Chief Justice elaborated further that the other judicial officials who resigned had not communicated to him in any way nor had they furnished him on their intentions nor given any reasons for their actions prior to exiting the service.

He said that he learnt the news of the resignations, inherently, over the public media.

The Chief Justice said that it was his office’s duty to defend members of the judiciary against outside forces.

Citing that there was a national judiciary committee to delve into matters of justice which he heads, he said that they would embark on immediate tentative investigations hence go to full throttle if there was cause for alarm.

He said that he thought that the actions had ulterior motives of personal interest and that it was mobilized.


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