From Flagship to Somaliland: EUCAP Nestor’s Head of Mission carries out a round of engagements with key counterparts


From Flagship to Somaliland: EUCAP Nestor’s Head of Mission carries out a round of

engagements with key counterparts

EUCAP Nestor’s Head of Mission (HoM), Maria-Cristina Stepanescu carried out her first round of

meetings with partners from the EU with a day aboard sister Mission EUNAVFOR Atalanta’s Flagship

Tromp, on September 30th 2016.

During the visit, the two Missions discussed potential joint activities within their respective mandates.

On board and in preparation of an upcoming capacity building exercise, the HoM together with the

Maritime Police Unit (MPU) of Mogadishu and Coast Guard of Somalia witnessed a boarding

demonstration organised by EUNAVFOR Atalanta, and facilitated by EUCAP NESTOR, in cooperation with

the AMISOM Marine Unit.

The HoM then travelled to Somaliland on the 1st of October to meet staff at their new premises at the

Field Office in Hargeisa.

The next day, she met with the recently appointed Minister of Interior Yasin Mohamud Hiir to discuss

ways on improving collaboration efforts by both parties. The HoM also visited the Somaliland Coast

Guard’s (SLCG) headquarters, where she met the commander of Somaliland Coast Guard Admiral Abdi

Hersi Du’ale.

The HoM also had the opportunity to meet with Edna Adan, the founder of the Edna Adan Hospital, who

recently received an ambulance donated by the Mission. The discussion centred not only on the

challenges but also the rewards of developing healthcare facilities in a post conflict environment.

On October 3rd, the HoM travelled to the coastal city of Berbera, to gain insight of the challenges that

the SLCG Berbera operations face on a daily basis.

From Flagship to Somaliland: EUCAP Nestor’s Head of Mission carries out a round of

engagements with key counterparts

She then visited the Berbera Maritime and Fisheries Academy to meet with the President of the

Academy, Professor Abdiqani Khayrehe and SLCG Commander Admiral Hersi to consider how the

Academy could get more involved in SLCG training exercises. The Professor expressed his Academy

faced material shortfalls for the students’ practical training such as boat engines. Admiral Hersi Du’ale

also confirmed that “theory can only go so far, and practical training is essential” in order to strengthen

the cooperation between the Academy and SLCG.

The HoM stated, “The Mission will work to help the Somaliland maritime security actors to fulfil their

vision from the future”. The gathered knowledge will help to formulate EUCAP Nestor’s planning for its

renewed mandate, as of January 2017, in Somaliland.



EUCAP Nestor is a civilian EU mission, under the auspices of the Common Security and Defence

Policy, which assists Somalia in strengthening its capacity to ensure maritime security and in

particular to fight piracy.

EUCAP Nestor – Somalia Office Press and Public Information Department CBA Centre, Mara and Ragati Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi P.O. Box 30475, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Phone: +254 727 106 645 Email: Webpage: Facebook: Twitter:


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