UNDCF holds the Second Validation Workshop of fiscal decentralization strategy in Sheikh


DSC03771-1024x683 By Goth Mohamed Goth

A one day Validation workshop of fiscal decentralization strategy of Somaliland Republic meant to improve public service delivery and to increase local government access to financing for infrastructure was jointly organized by Ministry of Interior, Finance and UNDCF was held on the 26th February, 2015 at the IGAD Sheik Veterinary School and Reference Center, in Sahil Region.

Mr. Adan Mataan, UNDCF country representative speaking during the workshop said, “As you’re well aware of this is the second workshop which is a follow up of the previous one was held on the 8th , Feb ,2015 and he aim of today’s meeting is to analyses information gathered from the various local government  and municipalities from across the country.

“The purpose of today’s meeting is to hear and listen from the Mayors gathered here your various presentations on how  you manage the  local fund has been designed to support financing of local infrastructure, with the aim to demonstrate how local constraints can deliver both infrastructures and services that respond to the expressed needs of communities”, he said.

The Somaliland Constitution & Decentralization Policy Approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on July 2014 set out intention to devolve authority and responsibility for services to LGs. However, there is a gap between the policy on one hand and the actual practice and implementation of decentralization on the other. Therefore to mend the gap UNCDF commissioned ODI (The Overseas Development Institute) based in United Kingdom to support the Republic of Somaliland and to develop.
–       Developing a fiscal Decentralization Strategy (FDS) that elaborates the policy statements in the policy to finance services under the mandate of Somaliland LGs.
–       Conducting an assessment of the current financing of basic services at the LG level in Somaliland Republic
–       In consideration of the fiscal policy statements producing the LG Financing Framework for service delivery and implementation road map.

The Specific Objective of 26th February Validation Workshop in Sheikh:

The Overseas Development Studies (ODI) team hired by UNCDF/JPLG with the Support of Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance, intended to share the Mayors and to present the findings of the Assessment conducted by ODI team in Somaliland from 4th to 14th January 2016, and the specific Objectives of the Workshop was focusing.

•       Present the finding assessment of the levels and systems through which Government finances LGs to deliver its service delivery mandate
•       Present LG service delivery financing assessment reports for Somaliland covering sectors prioritized in the respective decentralization policies
Mr. Ibrahim, the Mayor of Sheik town speaking during the meeting said, “I would on behalf of the people of Sheik like to welcome all of you gathered here today, this is the first time such a meeting has being held here.

Hon Yusuf Garas , the deputy Minister of Education and Higher learning speaking at the workshop said, “ I Would like to stress that in my previous portfolio I was involved in the works involving the JPLG project, so my advice to you is that every government department should base its work on what’s it has mandated to do and no other.

Hon Abdiaziz Mohamed Cagaweyne, the deputy Mayor of Hargeisa said, “We have being enlightened by this gathering and we are ready to do whatever is expected from us and also we are committed to fulfill our duties and be accountable as elected representatives of people.

Hon Mohamed Amin Omer, the Mayor of Gabiley speaking during the one day validation workshop stressed the need for local government authorities and the central government to cooperate in delivering vital services to the public.

Among those attending the one day validation workshop the Mayors of Sheik, Hargeisa, Burco , Borama, Saylac and the Governor of Sahil Region.


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