Waran’ade warns Somalia against perpetrating insurgency on SL soil


By M.A. Egge

The government and people of Somaliland will always defend their territorial integrity at all times against Somalia.

In a hard hitting statement that accused the FG of Somalia President Hassan Sh. Mohammed of directly perpetuating insurgency against the nation of Somaliland, Interior Minister Hon. Ali Mohammed Waran’adde reiterated Somaliland’s constant vigilance and rightful defense of her integrity in the face of any insecurity or insurgency.

Speaking to the media over the week whereby he revealed the fact that the Somaliland Defense Forces had forestalled such insurgency and secured Bal-ad’s peaceful stability.

“Hassan Sheikh has sent a group to the eastern regions in a direct attempt to cause instability that undermines Somaliland’s integrity”, said Hon. Waran’adde.

He revealed, “Following such an attempt the armed forces had forestalled it by securing Bal’ad”, where an insurgency meeting was taking place.

Bal’ad is in Buhodle vicinity.

The minister said that such perpetuations were not only planned for Buhodle but also elsewhere in SL.

He warned that Somaliland will always defend itself against Somalia.

He hailed the armed forces for their diligence.

At the same time the interior chief offered a leaf of peace to Khatumoist Ali Khalif hence said, “Ali Khalif and his fellow colleagues are Somlilanders who have conveyed their belligerence”.

He expounded, “Their complaints ought to be addressed as deserved”.

He elaborated further, “We see and understand that as citizens they have all the rights and reconciliations need a round table where they will (and should) be addressed in brethren-ship and compatriot-ship manner”.

The minister gave the press conference at his ministry’s headquarters at a time that registration of electorate was slated to start and that the country was in preparation for the forthcoming elections.


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